Cannot create a Tag Group with over 199 tags? ("Loading failed" error)

I repeatedly get this error "Loading failed" when creating a Tag group with over 199 tags (counting for about ~1769 chars in total). After reaching some number of tags or the total chars (for all tags), I can no longer add more tags to this group.

Is it by design or a bug?

I tried few different tag names and saving a group doesn’t fix this either (i.e. allow to add more tags later).

This is a fresh Discourse install but I get similar error on other installations (all single container on a separate VPS with plenty of RAM and disk space).

Now, I trimmed the Virgin-Islands to Virgin-Isl and successfully added it, but the next tag cannot have even a single char :crazy_face:



Interesting, what do you make of this @neil? UI issue?

This doesn’t sound intentional. I’ll have a look.

I’m guessing you’re on an older version because mine looks like this :frowning:

EDIT: I can create a group with 205 tags, so it’s probably something to do with the length of the names?

@dalerka I created a group with 300 tags and will stop now. Can you find an error in logs or browser console to go with that “Loading failed” case?


So your solution is to update to latest.

@neil Thanks for looking into this.
The difference in styling is due to my custom CSS and I don’t see how that could affect adding the tags.

I was on discourse (86bf6ba) and now upgraded to the newest version (e7b732a) and the problem persists.

NOTE: The problem starts when there are too many characters (in total) as all the tags are being passed in a very long URL resulting in:

XHR failed loading: GET in the browser console.

So, how should this issue be addressed?


Hmm. I think it’s safe to stop sending all the tags you’ve already input. Only the tag group input allows so many tags.

I pushed a fix to send no more than 100 tags.


Thank you! Meanwhile (as a workaround) I split one large tag group into two smaller groups.

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