Cannot upload logo!


I am using the last version 3.5.0.beta1-dev ([8d709aeb9c]). After installing some official plugin, I am unable to upload new logo without error when upload.
When I select the png file, it seems to be upload it but nothing is showed

and when I click on corner button to display uploaded image in modal I have this error in console

This is the list of plugins I installed (not all are activated as shown in screenshot and the last installed is Restricted Replies but I cannot say after which one I had this error since I just discover it):

Thank you for your help

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Thanks @makehitec, we’ll get this fixed up ASAP

This is fixed in FIX: Image uploads in site-settings and profile (#31350) · discourse/discourse@b2b9657 · GitHub


It is working now :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot @david


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