Can't get the chat email notification header text color right

We’ve got a dark colour selected for our site header, with a light colour for the text:


However, our notification emails do not seem to be respecting the header primary color:


I’ve had a poke around all the settings, but can’t find anything awry. We haven’t fiddled with the Activity Summary styling or the email styling at all (both vanilla).

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Hiya Nathan :wave: is this only happening with chat email notifications or other email notifications like digest email as well? I wonder if this is related to general email digest dark palette issues:

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Thanks Lilly

I’ve established a test-user to get some useful examples. It might just be the chat notification header as you suggest. And I think you are right re the dark mode email thing.

I’ll dig a little deeper into that and get back to you if I have come up with anything useful or get stuck.

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