Can't keep desktop push notifications enabled - dup

This is a duplicate of this

Could not comment there as it was closed

This is still happening to me

discourse-push-notifications v0.3.0
discourse v2.5.0.beta2

Which browser? What browser version number? Did you try in a different web browser? Did you try with all your browser plugins disabled, with a clean vanilla unmodified install of the browser?


Reproduced both in Chrome and Firefox.

Chrome Version 80.0.3987.149 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Firefox 74.0 (64-bit)


Ubuntu 19.10

Tried in incognito mode as well, without any extensions and same outcome.

Adding a short video to demonstrate:

I found this post later: Discourse Push Notifications for Desktop that describes a similar issue

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I can confirm this is happening in Chrome on Windows and on Android as well

I took a look at the network call when changing the toggle on/off and saving

When hitting the save button there’s a network call to


When saving with the toggle ON - this is what sent in form data:

new_topic_duration_minutes: 2880
auto_track_topics_after_msecs: 240000
notification_level_when_replying: 2
like_notification_frequency: 1
allow_private_messages: true

When saving the page with toggle OFF - this is what sent in form data

new_topic_duration_minutes: 2880
auto_track_topics_after_msecs: 240000
notification_level_when_replying: 2
like_notification_frequency: 1
allow_private_messages: true

As you can see they are identical and it doesn’t seem like the prefer push option is there.

In addition, looking at localstorage, I see a property called discourse_push_notifications_prefer_push which alternate between empty and true when toggling the prefer push option on/off but that doesn’t seem to be added to the network call

Also, I manually ran the evaluation of isPushNotificationsSupported in my Discourse browser console, and it evaluated to true, meaning, I guess, that push is supported…

I would also add that the enable notification button is working fine:
And I do see the test notification when enabled

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Is this a bug @falco?


Looks like it is. Considering this isn’t the most used feature, push is common on mobile and desktop notifications are the most common on the desktop, and I don’t think anyone on the team or in our hosting uses this, I’m not surprised.

I’ll try to fix it this week.


Okay, so now you got me confused

By “desktop notifications” do you mean this setting ?

I had these enabled since day 1, and never got any browser notification

  1. When I first signed in to Discourse, I saw a message at the top asking me if I wanted to enable notifications
  2. I opted in, a native Chrome dialog appeared and I approved, I also got a message in Ubuntu notifications area
  3. However, I am not getting any notification about any activity ever. When I switch to Discourse tab, I see the “1” icon in my profile icon at the top right, but I have to actively switch to the tab to know about it. Is this the expected behavior ?
  4. Therefor, I assumed this plugin was the thing that made it possible to see activity if you’re not on Discourse tab currently.

So I was wrong ? What am I missing ?
Confused :confused:

This is working now, and should keep working during key migrations with Automatically renew the push notifications subscription