Can't upload backup to S3 after upgrading discourse to 2.8.0.beta1

Hello everyone, after upgrading discourse to 2.8.0.beta1 a few days ago, I found that the backup file was not uploaded to s3.

This is my s3 config, not changed before or after upgrade.

The latest backup in S3 is …2021-05-18…

But on discourse admin backup page, there are newer backups

This is the latest backup log

[2021-05-21 01:56:22] [STARTED]
[2021-05-21 01:56:22] 'lian' has started the backup!
[2021-05-21 01:56:22] Marking backup as running...
[2021-05-21 01:56:22] Making sure '/var/www/discourse/tmp/backups/default/2021-05-21-015622' exists...
[2021-05-21 01:56:22] Making sure '/var/www/discourse/public/backups/default' exists...
[2021-05-21 01:56:22] Updating metadata...
[2021-05-21 01:56:22] Dumping the public schema of the database...
[2021-05-21 01:56:22] pg_dump: last built-in OID is 16383
[2021-05-21 01:56:22] pg_dump: reading extensions
[2021-05-21 01:56:54] pg_dump: executing SEQUENCE SET web_hook_events_id_seq
[2021-05-21 01:56:54] Finalizing backup...
[2021-05-21 01:56:54] Creating archive: seafile-community-forum-2021-05-21-015622-v20210429154322.tar.gz
[2021-05-21 01:56:54] Making sure archive does not already exist...
[2021-05-21 01:56:54] pg_dump: executing SEQUENCE SET web_hooks_id_seq
[2021-05-21 01:56:54] Creating empty archive...
[2021-05-21 01:56:54] Archiving data dump...
[2021-05-21 01:56:56] Archiving uploads...
[2021-05-21 01:57:14] Skipping uploads stored on S3.
[2021-05-21 01:57:14] Removing tmp '/var/www/discourse/tmp/backups/default/2021-05-21-015622' directory...
[2021-05-21 01:57:14] Gzipping archive, this may take a while...
[2021-05-21 01:57:30] Uploading archive...
[2021-05-21 01:57:36] Executing the after_create_hook for the backup...
[2021-05-21 01:57:36] Deleting old backups...
[2021-05-21 01:57:36] Cleaning stuff up...
[2021-05-21 01:57:36] Removing archive from local storage...
[2021-05-21 01:57:36] Removing '.tar' leftovers...
[2021-05-21 01:57:36] Marking backup as finished...
[2021-05-21 01:57:36] Refreshing disk stats...
[2021-05-21 01:57:37] Notifying 'lian' of the end of the backup...

Can anyone help me fix this problem? Thanks.