Category page with fixed organization of topics

I’m looking to move the Guild AI docs over to Discourse along with the support services with currently provide on Slack.

I’d like to present a fixed, organized view of the docs for the applicable category pages.

Unlike other categories, the docs category is not intended for community driven content. Guild AI staff will generate the docs and organize them as a cohesive whole that can be navigated from point A to Z. We don’t want new posts to circumvent that order.

The “About the [name] category” topic appears somewhat analogous to an index page/document. If I were to implement support for a structured category page, I’d look to this topic to serve as that point of control. This is for example how the Discourse Category Banner support is implemented.

Is there a recommended way to organize topics in a category page as a documentation table of contents?

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One that I like is QuickFile Knowledge Base. It uses

Knowledge Base Plugin for the index of the different topics on the left
DiscoTOC - automatic table of contents for the table of contents for the first post on the right.

I haven’t created a similar set of topics but these synergistic tools are high on my list.