Category Previews

There are a few things to address:

  1. Your forum is using boxed categories, so it will not work. From the original post:

  2. The first part of your setting (Group privee) needs to be the slug of an existing, public category. The preview will display above this category. It should not be the name of the category you are trying to preview.

  3. It doesn’t look like URL you are using ( is a real published page. You would need to create a published page using the instructions at Page Publishing and use the generated link to that page.

  4. Make sure you actually have a group with the name groupe_joignable

Unfortunately, I’m not sure how much more I will be able to help you. It’s fairly difficult to explain on its own and I think our language barrier isn’t helping. What I might recommend is posting in our marketplace category to see if you can hire someone to log into your site and help you directly.