Category Sidebar

Hello Discourse Team,

I’m a user of this wonderful software on the Manjaro Forum.
If I click on the Latest tab I would love to be able to choose which sub categories are shown on the fly.
Like for example check/uncheck tick-boxes on a sidebar to include/exclude Off Topic and so on.

What do you think?

Hi @pux

You can already suppress categories from the latest list. Check out the category settings.

Edit: Oh, do you mean as a user? Or an admin?

Hello @HAWK and thanks for the quick reply. I mean as a user.

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Right. Ignore me then. You can’t currently do that. :slight_smile:

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I did hope to make a useful feature request and thought I start here, or is it better doing that directly on Github?

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Nope, you’ve done exactly the right thing. I initially misunderstood your request.


I think you’re looking for something along these lines:


Do those solutions allow a user to customise their feed though? I think that’s the basis of this request.

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Exactly, @HAWK your first answer was already, what I was looking for.
I don’t know if you have the ability to suppress categories from the latest list on the fly as a site admin, without to go through settings first or mute categories, but that would hopefully better describe what my thought was.

Ah, well if the self-filtering part of it is what’s most important to you then maybe this is what you’re looking for:


This looks interesting and I will have to try it first, before I can say something. Thank You!

But it also looks a bit restrictive to me.
I was thinking about something like a drop-down menu on the Latest list where you can check/uncheck sub categories, or maybe something like that as a sidebar.

If you check or uncheck a category, the Latest list reloads with the new selection.

For example I would like to be able to get a quick overview over some chosen categories which I’m interested in right now, but maybe not tomorrow, but also be able to switch back to all latest topics, by pressing a default button or something like that.

Hope that makes more sense :slight_smile: