Changes in the text editor?

Hey, guys!

I was just writing a post and realized in the preview some things are working differently, and not in a good way.

The first (and worst) is that the text editor is not respecting empty lines anymore. Leaving them there is good to give the reading experience some space to breathe, but this gets critical in my forum, where we discuss poetry. To make things even worse, this changed everything that had already been posted, so now we have dozens of poems wrongly formatted due to this change.

An example:

Also, numbered lists aren’t numbered anymore:

  1. do
  2. you
  3. see?
  • and
  • bullet
  • points
  • aren’t
  • bulleted

What happened? Why did you change this?

Can this be changed back, at least in my forum?


It looks fine here, is it somehow a bug only in the preview?


Could you try it in safe mode and see if the issue may be connected with a theme component or similar?

Also if you could check it in a different browser or private window to rule out any extensions?

The bullet points in your post are numbered and bulleted for me.


In safe mode, it looks the same, but it works fine in the private window and app, which is a huge relief :sweat_smile: Thank you so much! If this change were permanent, I’d have a huge issue to deal with.

I just found out this was caused by the tl;dv extension for Chrome. Is the only solution to turn it off?


That, or report it to the devs and see if they can adjust it’s CSS styling to make it less leaky. This was the cause of one of my recent ux reports as well, some kind of regression in the extension caused the CSS styles to leak. (I think that topic may have been deleted? Can’t find it anywhere)


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