Changing a reaction emoji - what happens to old reactions?

If I have several emoji added to reactions, for example :clap: and :confetti_ball: and I wanted to reduce the number, so I remove :clap: - what happens to old posts that had claps on before?

Do they lose the likes? Does the clap fallback to a heart? Or does it stay as a clap emoji?


I tested it for you. :smile:

The :clap: would still appear as reaction, and the main like button would appear as :heart: (or any icon you configured).

For example:

The image shows a snippet of a social media interface with emoji reactions displayed under a post, indicating three likes, one applause, and a cursor hovering over the applause emoji. (Captioned by AI)

You don’t lose the like.[1]

  1. Assuming you are using a version after this: Changes to which reactions 👍 are counted as likes ❤ ↩︎


It’s a little confusing that the reaction is now displayed twice - as :heart: and as :clap: - while the total count is still 3.


That’s quite normal with reactions, because there might be two :heart: and one :clap: so it shows one each icon and the number 3.

Thank you for testing this!! Perfect :blush:

But there are 3 :heart: and 1 :clap: at the end

1 Like

Oh right. Yes that’s a bit weird.

1 Like

Yes, I agree; it’s a little confusing. Maybe some UX to tell this is a historical reaction would help. I’m not sure if the old reaction should be visible by default (meaning we can see these changes on request) :thinking:

I had actually already brought up the ux issue on the announcements topic

If we had the option of one or the other to show, I’d prefer having the historical reaction over just a like.