Each time the Discourse container is rebuilt the System account user name reverts to “system”. Is it possible to change it permanently to something else?
Changing the system username isn’t recommended, it may lead to problems such as site breakage, my question is why do you want to change it?
Since the default System user sends automated messages to other users, I wanted do give it a more friendly name. Should I rather create a new user and list it as “site contact username”?
That’s what the setting is for!
Is the setting safe? @Noah751’s comment here and an earlier topic both mention potential problems, though it isn’t clear if those problems actually still exist:
I can see that I can do it, but I’m not confident that it’s safe to do so. Does anybody have any more recent info on this?
I haven’t heard much discussion about this in a while, I still don’t think it is safe to change the system username.
Specifying an alternative account is safe, altering system is not.
Be aware that if you specify a new user that isn’t a person you will need to check the PMs and stuff, otherwise users could interact with it and never get a response.
Part of why system is looks and is named the way it is serves to deter such stuff.
Our discourse is in spanish and system doesn’t look friendly at all. I created a new account with our community name and it looks like system (deters interaction) but more friendly.
I see that system has PM enabled, so anybody can send messages to that account. Maybe a global renaming could be an great adittion to take in mind.
Just MHO.
You can rename the system account.
EDIT: OOps. But you can’t.
I guess what to do is change site contact username
, which I guess is what you did.
But I read that’s not recommended and I see that every rebuild changes the name back to system.
Yep, I did it but system stills showing in some important topics like tos or guidelines.
I think that global translation, at least, could be great for non-english users, in order to keep that account safe (without renaming it). Using a new account could motivates some interaction that we don’t really want (pms, mentions, etc).