On latest Discourse version, but this bug has been known for me for a few weeks now.
Chat messages sometimes (not frequently, but maybe 20% of the time) may appear in the wrong order, meaning sending a new message may appear above previous messages.
Anyone experienced this? I’m not sure how to repro.
Honestly — I don’t think anything, just throwing one wild guess.
But because no another forum is experiencing that (otherwise here would be several topics) and I have feeling that threads aren’t that popular than is thinked and changed order sounds very much failed threading, that guess was easy to made.
Or time stamps breaks.
But soon here will come someone who has better skills.
We use chat daily internally but haven’t seem to have reports of this.
How many folks is this affecting for your forum? Could you share additional information about your setup(s)? e.g. mobile or desktop, network speed, browser, number of chat channels open, etc. Does it usually happen after x minutes? We’ll need more information here otherwise we can’t solve this as well.
Oh interesting use-case here with 50K users. (cc @davidb) I think this might be a hint to why you’re seeing things we’re not.
If you’re comfortable with going into the console, there might be something you can do with our Chat::MessageDestroyer. But there is currently no “only keep the last 10k messages in this channel” feature if that’s what you’re thinking of.
I am just assuming there’s a db overload or something or there’s an IP block and this is why sometimes users don’t see other messages until they refresh?
I have some updates -
this hasn’t been solved but it appears the issue seems to be that sometimes, probably in busier times, chat messages aren’t fetched. So the user sees as if no new-messages were sent and then after a while or when refreshing they all appear.
This is a chat channel with many users (100K+) though most aren’t active.