Chat Plugin Missing


I run a Discourse on the latest Version (3.2.2) but my chat-plugin is completely missing. I cant find it in the backend and the symbol on the right corner isnt showing. Where is it? I cant find a solution to install it later.
Can anyone help?


Is this a standard install?

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I don`t think so. I made it with per 1-click, because otherwise I would never rund such a system :smiley:

I’m afraid we only support the standard install here on meta as we don’t have any knowledge of how the one-click versions are set up and implemented.

If you can move to a standard install you should have a much easier time of it, and be able to get much broader support here for any problems you do encounter. :+1:


You should get support from them since they are experts in how they installed the software. will install discourse with a few clicks and it’ll be a mm standard install.

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Yeah, I got ur message.
I just tried to have an easy solution, because one of the persons here who have never set up a server or written in a console.
I think I have to learn how to figure it out. Thanks for your words.

P.S. you can delete my other topics with any issues. canceled that service to not have any further issues with it.

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