Chat retention days issue


I noticed 2 issues with chat retention days.

1. There are separate settings to set up chat channel retention days and chat dm retention days. But it seems it use the chat channel retention days value on personal message settings page too.

I setted up 2 different retention day.

personal chat settings chat channel settings

The chat retention reminders in messages show the correct value.

chat channel

2. When the chat channel retention days and/or chat dm retention days set to 0 it means retain messages forever. But now on (channel / personal) retention day messages it seems like it saved for 0 day.

chat channel settings

chat channel message

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


Also reported in Setting chat retention to 0 (indefinite) displays ‘Chat history will be saved for 0 days’

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Noticed this today where chat history is indefinite

Chat history will be saved for 0 days.

Maybe for 0, just hide that text entirely?

This is all valid reports, thanks :+1:

I have fixed this in a local branch, but I need to check something before I push it hopefully tomorrow.


That should fix it, let me know how it goes for you:

Thanks for the report @Don, good catch :+1:


Hello @joffreyjaffeux,

Thanks for the fix. This is works extremely well now.

Let’s see the same process like the OP to compare it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 17.56.34 Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 17.57.08

Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 17.59.45

Thanks again! :slightly_smiling_face:


Perfect, thanks for checking, very much appreciated :raised_hands:


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