Click counter missing for some internal links

Do any of your working links contain:

  • an out of date slug tested on latest, still not working/supported - slugs have to be identical to target.
  • a username (taking Jeff’s word for it, not tested).
  • a heading (mid-post) specific link? tested on latest, still not working/supported

Because I don’t think these are supported at the moment and will still fail.

Also I’ve just edited a page (changed just one link) and most of the counters were reset to zero and this is reflected in the database … (according to Data Explorer).

@zogstrip I saw you were looking at this, you might be interested:

  • Do we need to rebake posts?
  • Does rebaking fix out of date slugs?
  • Does rebaking reset counters?
  • Why would an edit of one link, reset all counters?