I tried to rename one of my data explorer queries and had difficulties saving my changes.
First, I clicked the pencil to edit the name. Side note: It’s not that obvious that this is also the way to edit the description.
Then I changed the name (and the description).
However, I was unsure what to click next. In the screenshot above, you can find the “Save changes and run” button at the bottom. Why isn’t it possible to save the new name without running the query?
Furthermore, the query I tried to rename was more complex. So that button wasn’t visible without scrolling. All I actually saw was:
After some confusion, I tried the x which appeared next to the name field. I expected it to dismiss my changes, but it did not. So I assumed my changes were saved. However, after a reload, I noticed they were not. So I made all the edits again. But I still did not find the “save and run” button. Instead, I made a minor change to the query and used the “save changes” button, which for me seemed connected to the input field above. By accident I noticed that this also saved the new name.
Maybe a button at the top to save edits to the name and description would be a helpful addition. Something similar to how you can edit the title and category of a topic without editing the first post.