Connectors not rendering


I noticed it on the latest Discourse 437de6338e.

It was a report to FKB theme right custom sidebar not appears which uses discovery-below plugin outlet. But I see the same on for example on the Top Contributors Sidebar or Right Sidebar Blocks too.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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The plugin outlets theme component does render that outlet on the exact same build.

Yes I checked that. :slightly_smiling_face: That is working well but some outlet not rendering on components. Can you check those components I mentioned above, those working for you? I try to investigate what cause it but I am not sure. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for the report - I’ve found the issue and am working on a fix :eyes:

(it happens when the connector .js and .hbs file are in the same directory)


This will be fixed by


Thanks David :slightly_smiling_face: Works perfect!

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