Console - Invalid response after removing Push notifications plugin

I am getting console errors on chrome stable latest.

(PS - Not sure if it is related to the plugin)
I did try push notifications but i removed it as of late, because it was alpha.

I am getting this after uninstalling the plugin

If I type a post of say 10 lines it takes time to update the thread, and this console error shows up

You need some code, probably on the plugin, to unregister it. It’s tricky.


Any tips here @tgxworld?

Not sure why yet but I’ll try to reproduce the error :slight_smile:

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Well I did not remove the service worker, I just removed the plugin from app.yml and rebuild it and started getting this issue.

Discourse performance has gone down due to it :frowning: (a big post takes a long time to be updated to the thread)

Looking forward for your reply.

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  1. Re-installed the plugin
  2. Visit profile page - disable push notifications
  3. Uninstall
  4. Profit.