Transifex provides a glossary function per language, but what we are missing is a glossary which gives the context for the English terms. Sometimes you can use the tags in Transifex to work out where a given text is actually used, but other times it’s still not clear. And some terms are ambiguous when translated, so extra context is needed.
The aim here is not to provide a context per tag, nor for every single word, but if a translator finds a given word ambiguous, he/she should be able to come here and get help. I don’t know if it’s best to do a big wiki or what, but something is better than nothing.
I also think that the English developers should get into the habit of coming here to confirm their terminology too: fairly often there are inconsistencies in the original text, which make extra work for everyone. (Dear devs, every time you change a word, that is numeber_of_languages
people who have to review/check/translate something )
See also: