Could someone please let me know the version of Discourse as of May 11, 2023?

I need to roll back my site to that specific version. :smiling_face_with_tear:
Thanks very much.

It should be v3.1.0.beta.4 or v3.0.3 (stable version). :thinking:

Tags · discourse/discourse · GitHub

The image shows a list of three software versions with their release dates and corresponding download links in zip and tar.gz formats, along with commit hashes. (Captioned by AI)

If you want the latest commit hash as of May 11, 2023, it’s: e10b262eb93025ece1dc536c705bb0cac75b4a28.

Does that help?

You cannot do this reliably. You can only move forward. Or remain static.

That’s because you may have already run database migrations and if that has happened you will be in a pickle if you try to run old code.


Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! :star_struck:

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I just rebuilt my site which leads to some problem.How could I deal with it :smiling_face_with_tear:

You will need to elaborate on what problem you have.

I’m confident the current version of Discourse should work.


Perhaps it’s an issue with our custom theme and plugins, causing the site to get stuck on the loading page.

Sorry just seen the gap date: May 11th 2023 :astonished: - if you’ve rebuilt and run migrations … sorry, no chance! Move with the times and fix anything which needs updating.

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Remove them or fix them.

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Sure, thank u :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Excuse me, may I ask a question? How can I invalidate my custom theme and component from the command line? I only know how to invalidate the plugins. :smiling_face_with_tear:Thank you!

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If you believe plugins or themes are the problem, and your site is coming online simply go to


Thank you!!

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