Create admin account(s) in app.yml without email confirmation

I would argue that if that were the case, they wouldn’t be paying me to do the install. (But I’ll add a link to that document to my instructions! Thanks.) For people

Let’s pretend that sshing in and using less or more to peruse the logs is easy. When I look at the logs, I don’t see the [Sender] 554 Please activate your Mailgun account. Check your inbox or log in to your control panel to resend the activation email. message that I see if I visit /admin/email/skipped.

So this user still would not have been able to tell (from Discourse, anyway) what the problem was. I’ve added stronger “If you don’t make Mailgun happy you won’t be able to use Discourse” to my notes, but I’m inclined to just rake admin:create an account for them so that they can at least log in.

Normal People are terrified of a command line. A guy I helped recently (who’d purchased an install) I’m pretty sure had never logged in to his droplet and never even done an upgrade for well over a year.

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