Create new thread

Hello :wave:

There is only one thing why we don’t use the threads feature. This is something what is a problem on topics too. Users generally reply the latest topic post / chat message without triggered the specific post/message reply button. Which breaks the thread.

Threads assume that all user use this feature right, but most of time on our community it isn’t the case.

I am thinking now a thing where the threads works just like topics and the chat channels like categories. So users could create new threads in the selected channel. It would help more organize the channel conversations.

That’s the idea for now… I am not sure, it’s going to be a pretty big change compared how things works now.


Hate to be that guy again, but how I see chat-threads (and even post replies) it is very much same than city planning and illicit trails — there is reasons why users don’t use those even devs so want :man_shrugging: