Create option footer statistics

Name Plugin: Statistic Plugin
Budget: 50$

I need a plguin to list the statistics of the forum, such as:

  • Users online
  • Total posts
  • Total topics

For those who will create this plugin, will be stocked more details…

We are willing to pay a little more.
is a plugin that we need urgently!

Thanks! =D

All data points you are listing are already shown on the /admin/ page.

Yes, I know I have informations on that page, but i need them to be visualized on footer also, to make users able to view them easily :slight_smile:

No one is interested in creating this plugin or you give me information on how I can get the information?

It might be that the price is way too low?

If someone wants to take charge of creating it, he can directly expose a price they can discuss…

Change budget to 50$.

Bump :smile:

$50 is half an hour of work. From your your description here it is about half an hour to figure out what you want.


What do you mean by the footer? A number of pages scroll infinitely, so there is no footer. Are we just talking about the footer of topic pages?

I speak of the footer.
I will add a statistic of like this:

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