I have a CSV file with my discourse user emails. I need to create a script that will run daily and send a specific email template to a specific set of users. Then, every day I need to run this script with the next set of users. How can I do that?
According to https://ask.discourse.com/ I need to create my code to automate this and place the code and data in the plugins folder. The code suggestion is here:
# frozen_string_literal: true
# name: auto-email
# about: A custom plugin to send bulk emails using automation and CSV files
# version: 0.3
require 'csv'
after_initialize do
if defined?(DiscourseAutomation)
# Define a unique scriptable for the automation
DiscourseAutomation::Scriptable::AUTO_EMAIL_SCRIPT = "auto_email_script"
add_automation_scriptable(DiscourseAutomation::Scriptable::AUTO_EMAIL_SCRIPT) do
# Define fields for the automations UI:
field :email_template, component: :message # Email body to be sent
field :csv_file_name, component: :text # Name of CSV file in the "data" folder
script do |context, fields, automation|
# Define the path to the data folder
data_folder_path = Rails.root.join("plugins", "auto-email", "data")
# Get the CSV file name from the admin automation field
csv_file_name = fields["csv_file_name"]["value"]
csv_file_path = File.join(data_folder_path, csv_file_name)
# Ensure the file exists
unless File.exist?(csv_file_path)
Rails.logger.warn("CSV file #{csv_file_path} not found!")
# Parse the CSV file
users = CSV.read(csv_file_path, headers: true).map(&:to_hash)
rescue StandardError => e
Rails.logger.error("Error reading CSV file (#{csv_file_name}): #{e.message}")
# Get the email message content from the automation field
email_body = fields["email_template"]["value"]
# Iterate through users from the CSV and send emails
users.each do |user_data|
email = user_data["email"] || user_data["normalized_email"]
user = User.find_by_email(email)
if user
# Send an automated email using SystemMessage
"custom_email_template", # Ensure this email template exists
message_body: email_body
Rails.logger.info("Email sent to: #{email}")
rescue StandardError => e
Rails.logger.error("Failed to send email to #{email}: #{e.message}")
Rails.logger.warn("No user found with email: #{email}")
And my plugin structure is like this:
βββ README.rb
βββ data/
βββ mamapedia_users_data_01.csv
βββ lib/
βββ plugin.rb
However, when I restart or rebuild the app I can not see the new plugin in the admin panel. I donβt see any errors in the logs.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to do something else?