Creating a Top 20 leaderboard for a specific date range

When I create a leaderboard for a specific group and date range, it seems to be calculating all time cheers, am I missing something? Also, is there a way to only show top 20 of a specific range?(quarter)

I’ve just given this a run-through here on meta and it seems to be working correctly for me?

I created a new leaderboard called ‘month’ and set the date range to be 1st June - 30th June (and limited it to @team), and it’s only picking up the cheers accumulated for that timeframe:

Though the time period picker at the top doesn’t fit so well with a date-limited leaderboard as it still tries to tell you it’s selecting a bigger date range:

I don’t think this is possible using the leaderboard page, but you can create a mini-leaderboard in Right Sidebar Blocks that can be limited to x amount of entries. The preview on theme creator is for 5, but that’s adjustable in the settings -

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It works as it’s supposed to on my site, and no you can’t limit the main leaderboards length it’ll include everyone (unless you choose to exclude a group but that won’t lock it to X number unless there’s only X number of accounts on the leaderboard)