Creating an automated message upon successfully answering to a topic

I am a member of the ITK community.

ITK is an open-source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration. ITK is fiscally sponsored by NumFOCUS.

We would like to know whether there is a mechanism such that when a topic in our Discourse space gets successfully answered an automated message is posted to the topic suggesting some voluntary contribution to our project.

If not, can this be made into a feature request? I have seen that the Discourse GitHub repository does not allow to open issues.


hey @jhlegarreta ,

Have you taken a look at Discourse Automation?

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Hi @Stephen,

thanks for the early reply. I had navigated through the Discourse repositories and Discourse categories, but had not run into the Discourse Automation resource. Seems like it is what we are looking for.

Thank you.

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