For our community, which we want to be by invite only, we want to be able to designate which topic post and which group the invites take the new person. We do not want to have to rely on the members who have invite privileges to remember or ensure they adjust invites to the appropriate topic post and group for anyone coming into the community.
We could use “types” of invites as well, so if they want to send an invite to a person brand new to the topic of the community they would send, say, a “member invite” but if they want to send an invite to someone who provides supporting services to members of the community they would send perhaps a “supporting invite”, as those people would be sent to a different group and initial topic post.
Again, ideally, these would be already pre-set for members to use so the invitees go to the appropriate place and group without making the members change settings or remember to make the appropriate choices.
So basically we want to be able to control for all users/members where their invites go for the topic and into which group the new person joining gets put; being able to have different types or categories of invites that are preset for use. This would mean the members should not be able change them or direct them elsewhere. This also means the invites would need to have a setting that admin can choose to turn off other types of invites, such as invites to a topic.