Custom sidebar sections being tested on meta

Also wanted to say thanks for this progress.

It should be noted that enable custom sidebar sections needs to be enabled in the settings still, and only the groups permitted there will be able to see custom sections marked as “Make this section public and visible to everyone”. So to make certain groups see a global custom section it also requires allowing them to implement their own personal menus too.

Also, I think for globally visible sections provided by the admin to be most useful they would also need to be visible to anonymous (not logged in) visitors, which is currently not the case.

I definitely need this too, as well as the ability to customize the Community menu. But meanwhile don’t forget about this fantastic tip:

And here’s my take on it:

.sidebar-section-content {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  .sidebar-more-section-links-details {
    order: +1;
.sidebar-section[data-section-name="tags"] {
  display: none
.sidebar-section[data-section-name="categories"] {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  order: +1;
.sidebar-custom-sections {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  order: +1;