Daily Summary Feedback

Seems to have done it again today… Just changed the wording from yesterday.

Yesterday you offered ‘guidance’ but today you offered ‘advice’ on post notices :laughing:

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I think Bert misses Jammy and might now have a crush on me or something. I don’t mind - the extra tasks that I didn’t do make me look really busy lol.


The bot’s looking at the wrong part lol.

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Looks like Bert is taking a nap today today

I should probably wake up the sleeping bot.

edit: the bot is awake


Some of the categories show as text and not a direct link (for example, #Integrations instead of Integrations)

You can see this in this summary

I think that is still the known problem of incorrectly mentioned (sub)categories.
#support:wordpress becomes #wordpress::tag when you write #wordpress: wordpress
Other subcategories break like #documentation:integrations because #integrations doesn’t work: #integrations
And category names with more than one word also break like #theme-component because the bot does not add the dash #theme component: Theme component
But we all know which category the bot is talking about.

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