With the creation of our newly minted forum summaries category, we now have an AI-generated Daily Summary that you can all check out to get a snapshot of what’s been happening here on meta over the last 24 hours.
As with all things AI, there is a learning curve… And this is the topic where you can share what you like and what you don’t like about the Daily Summary, and offer up any suggestions on how we could make it better.
Just to note, this topic is for feedback specifically about the Daily Summary version. These three:
This has been mentioned by a couple of people, so you’re not alone. I was trying to think of a good way to accommodate this, but we may have to go with no @mention versions.
Just to check, did you get the @mention notification even though the category was default muted, or did you manually change the level first?
Hmmm. I did think that was expected, and the category notification level took precedence if the topic was set to ‘Normal’. I admit, the way different notification levels intersect can turn me around a bit.
But if you get a @mention ping even if you’ve got the category level muted (and the topic level is Normal) then that may be a bug?
I have had a small explore with a data explorer query and a poke around and it does look like @mentions are going out even though the category is default muted, which is a bit of a spanner in the works.
I’m reasonably sure that shouldn’t happen, but people have also said that even the proper ones (ie. getting a notification for being @mentioned in a summary they’re not expecting to be muted) are also too noisy, so we may have to forgo the @.
The Daily Summary (1pm UTC) one didn’t fire on time. Not sure why. I’ve manually triggered it.
Better @mentioning? (there were some reservations about non-@mention usernames not being auto-updated if a username was changed, but this doesn’t happen often and if we clear down the topic after, say, two or four weeks then it limits that as well?)
Probably worth talking to @joffreyjaffeux about this, it is super annoying, when you edit an automation rule, as a side effect it will push itself to the next window
Eg set to repeat daily
Edit 1 hour prior to schedule
Will skip the 1 hour from now and only fire in 25 hours
Also , lots more tweaking needed , Bert refused to add links to todays Aussie summary