Topic List Author

:information_source: Summary Makes the topic author appear instead of posters and allows changing the placement of the author column in topic list pages.
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This is a theme component that is based on the Topic Author and Original Posters Avatars concepts, which makes the topic author appear in topic filter list pages (ie: /latest /new /unread /top) and the category homepage (if using a category view with topic list). There are also settings to change where the author column appears for topic list pages.

This component works with both mobile and desktop views.


Author avatar in default (center) column placement

Author avatar in first (left) column

Author avatar in last (right) column

Author avatar on a category homepage topic list

Mobile view with topic author avatar in first (left) column

Mobile view with topic author avatar in last (right) column



Great component! Thanks!


Just a comment, I noticed that the flair in the author avatar is correctly displayed in the category homepage, while in the other pages it doesn’t appear.

Would it be possible to display it everywhere? That would be great because the flair is given to users supporting our community in Patreon.



Oh good question. I’ll have a look at this when I get some time. :slight_smile:


Hi Lilly, the problem seems to be back again, although slightly different…

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Yea apologies @davidkingham I actually had to revert the change recently because the fix was affecting instances that didn’t use the Topic List Thumbnails component. That component seems to change cell background colors when the images are cropped. Here is the fix if you want to copy and paste it to the common css part of a theme or another component

.topic-list-item .author {
    background-color: rgba(var(--primary-low-rgb), 0.85);
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Thanks Lilly, I saw that too when I was trying to fix it myself. I ended up creating category specific changes since I have a mix of thumbnails and lists. A bit of a pain, but worth it to have the bigger avatars :blush:


I also encountered this problem, have you solved it now?

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I’m seeing a layout glitch with the “Related Topics” list on a client instance. Can’t debug much further because they revolved to the list with standard suggestions ("New & Unread Topics, which look fine) and I don’t have another instance with both this component and AI plugin. But I guess there’s some different wrapper or class on these lists?


Thanks @nolo I’ll have a look at it today.


@Lilly - Thank you so much for such an awesome component. Unfortunately I’ve got exactly the same issue as @nolo above. Did you have any joy trying to resolve it?

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Any way to make this component work with FBK Pro theme? Currently, when the component is enabled, it messes up the small box on the bottom of the theme. Makes the box really wide for some reason and the contents of if hidden.

It looks like you’ve asked this on the FBK Pro topic as well:

Ideally, if you could pick one topic to ask your question/raise your issue in it would be far better. It saves splitting the conversation, and avoids potentially two people working to answer the same thing.

Did you narrow it down to this component and only that theme, or is this an issue with this component and other themes too?

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Just this theme, for me.

Since this one overrides topic list templates, it is probably not compatible with the FKB Pro theme.

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@Lilly - did you get a chance to look at this? Currently I have the same issue and it’s stopping me being able to turn on AI driven Related Topics :frowning:

@Lilly Are you likely to implement a fix for this soon? If not, I will disable this theme component on my Discourse instance so I can turn on AI driven Related Topics.

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Ok I think I’ve fixed the related topics/ suggested topics issue now. Sorry folks, took me awhile to get the time to figure it out and fix it. I have separated the component into it’s proper templates as well. Please update the theme component and let me know if you have any more issues.

In the meantime, I have removed the username-only and category page column functionality. The topic author still shows on all topic lists, including the category page, but avatar column can only be changed in the topic list views now. No avatars in related/suggested topic footers (like the default).

Thus there are only two settings that give 3 different options on desktop view and 2 options for mobile.

Selecting the first option will show author avatars in first column in topic lists in desktop view (same as default on mobile) and the second option will place the author avatars in the last column in both desktop and mobile view. Leaving both unchecked will put the author avatars in their default middle columns.

edit: updated the OP


Awesome - thanks so much @Lilly! All seems to be working fine on my instance with AI-driven related topics :heart_eyes:


When I get more time, I will do some more work on this component in order to simplify the settings at bit - I’d like to make them into one 3 option list settings, rather than the 2 setting toggle it currently uses.