Daily Summary Feedback

Still in the loop


Because of the GitHub link in the summary topic this was mentioned by the discoursebot at GitHub.




looks like Bert hired a couple of new team members over the weekend :face_with_monocle:


Looks like we lost the 9pm one for the last few days. :grimacing:

No one seemed to notice apart from Moin [1], so it may be a good time to check in and see if people are still finding these useful?

  1. and me obviously, I was just testing everyone… ↩︎

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I still read them but I do take the occasional 1-2 day break.

I was wondering where it went, but did not have a chance to debug.

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The Automation itself still looks like it’s all present and correct. I’ll give it a manual nudge later and see if that gets it back on track.

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I don’t think that’s true

wow odd, very odd

OK will be fixed in:

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9pm summaries are doubling again

Yeah it’s so annoying, no idea why, we are investigating

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Wrong user. (Jordan’s last posts are at Disable notifications for specific user group inboxes?)

I did not. (darkpixlz)

The second topic link is wrong. It should be Potential spammer accounts being created - #2 by nat

Hallucinations suck, not if you come across them feel free to edit

Not sure what we can do here, but certainly thinking about it

Most people don’t have the ability to edit these ones. :slight_smile: To be honest, even I find them a lot harder to edit now they’re all html rather than markdown.

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Does quick edit help here?

I’ve just tested it for changing the username and it’s a few extra steps to copy paste rather than use the auto complete, but even then it seemed to have silently dropped the edit on save.

I don’t think I can use it to tidy-up the eg #sysadmin category section title when it’s not automatically made it sysadmin. It wants to open up in full edit mode. There’s no autocomplete for that, and manually changing all the bits can be quite fiddly.

For some other ones that are in the wrong section, it’s a case of cutting and pasting them into the right one (if it exists in that days summary). Not too bad on desktop, bit awkward on mobile. Though that needs a full edit window.

For regular text changes it’s not too bad, though full edit window is quite easy for that as well (as long as you can pick it out of the wall of text :slight_smile:)

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Sometimes the formatting does not work

And the weekly summary is missing


I saw this in another report. We recently migrated to use bedrock claude 3, I wonder if this is actually a bug with our integration with bedrock.


I this this will be fixed with:

That’s short


@system was just too tired to do a 1pm summary today.

As a side note, the raw endpoint for that post is completely broken:

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