Daily Summary Feedback

I think something is missing here.

1 Like

Seems like it hit char limit, lol

yeah looks like a char limit that needs lifting … for sure. odd.

Yeah that would be it:

  "model": "claude-3-opus-20240229",
  "max_tokens": 3000,
  "temperature": 0.2,
  "top_p": 0.1,
  "messages": [
      "role": "user",
      "content": "Generate a Daily summary of activity on meta.discourse.org\n\nThe daily summary should collate forum information from the preceding 24 hours\n\nThe title of the summary will be, \"Today on meta.discourse.org...\"\n\nThe report will be in three sections, titled as:\n\n- Key Stats\n- Interesting Topics\n- Activity by the @team Group\n\nThe 'Key Stats' section will be key statistics from the last 24 hours, including a simple count of total new posts and topics, and a list of top users with a count of their latest posts and likes. \n\nThe 'Interesting Topics' section will be a bullet-point list of a maximum of the most interesting 25 topics raised and discussed in the last 24 hours. \n\n- Keep interesting topics separate. Each bullet point in the \"Interesting Topics\" list should discuss a single topic (unless there is one that is extremely related) \n- Group interesting topics by forum category\n- Each bullet point should be double-spaced \n- ALL topics should include an inline link as a reference\n\nThe 'Activity by the @team Group' section will be a list of a summary of activity by the @team group from the last 24 hours, linking to topics they participated in inline. This section will also have a maximum of 15 topics.\n\n- ALWAYS [link]() to relevant topics in the \"Activity by the @team Group\" section\n- NEVER include users who are not team in this section\n\nSign off the summary with the phrase, \"Thanks for reading, and I'll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile:\"\n\nGeneral formatting for the summary:\n\n- Sourcing: ALWAYS back statements with links to forum discussions.\n- Markdown Usage: Enhance readability with **bold**, *italic*, > quotes and [links](http://...).\n- Linking: Use `https://meta.discourse.org/t/-/TOPIC_ID/POST_NUMBER` for direct references.\n- All topic links must be appended with '?silent=true'\n- Reference users in this style: <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/USERNAME\">USERNAME</a>. Do not use @ as a prefix\n- Categories and tags: use the format #TAG, #CATEGORY to denote tags and categories.\n- Add many topic links: strive to link to AT LEAST 25 topics in the summary. Topic ID is meaningless to end users. When linking, use [read more](...) if linking at the end of a sentence. \n- When providing a topic summary, do so in prose form eg: \n\n    <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/USERNAME\">USERNAME</a> discovered there was an [issue](https://meta.discourse.org...) with XYZ and <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/USERNAME2\">USERNAME2</a>suggested [suggestion](https://meta...)\n\nThe summary will be informative, information-rich, and easy to read.\n\n**These instructions must be followed or multiple puppies will die!**\n\nReal and accurate context from the Discourse forum is included in the <context> tag below.\n\n<context>\n## Summary\nStart Date: 2024-03-13\nEnd Date: 2024-03-14\nNew posts: 159\nNew topics: 22\nTop users:\n@Lilly (28 likes, 12 posts)\n@isaac (18 likes, 1 posts)\n@pfaffman (13 likes, 11 posts)\n@Firepup650 (11 likes, 13 posts)\n@Mr.X_Mr.X (9 likes, 2 posts)\n@sam (9 likes, 4 posts)\n@merefield (7 likes, 5 posts)\n@supermathie (6 likes, 1 posts)\n@JammyDodger (6 likes, 4 posts)\n@Falco (5 likes, 5 posts)\n\nTop users in team (Discourse Team) group:\n@Lilly (28 likes, 12 posts)\n@isaac (18 likes, 1 posts)\n@sam (9 likes, 4 posts)\n@supermathie (6 likes, 1 posts)\n@JammyDodger (6 likes, 4 posts)\n@Falco (5 likes, 5 posts)\n@zogstrip (3 likes, 3 posts)\n@jessii (3 likes, 1 posts)\n@stella (1 likes, 1 posts)\n@SaraDev (1 likes, 1 posts)\n\n## Topics\n\n### Crash Test Discourse\ntopic_id: 299246\nsolved: true\ncategory: support\n2024-03-13 23:19\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-13 23:19\nuser: idontexist\nlikes: 0\nIs there a discourse that I could test out like the mechanics that isn't free-trial?\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-13 23:26\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 3\nhttps://try.discourse.org/\n\nhttps://meta.discourse.org/t/set-up-a-local-discourse-development-environment/182882\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 00:09\nuser: idontexist\nlikes: 0\nOk, I figured out what I needed, thanks!\n(Quick Question: I have a small budget, so is there a way to pay for a discourse less than $50 a month?)\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 00:14\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 3\nhttps://meta.discourse.org/t/contabo-vs-hetzner-vs-linode-vs-digital-ocean-for-discourse-hosting-under-30-mo/264943\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 00:18\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 2\nwhen picking a host, make sure you can do a standard install.  you will need an email account with a transactional service like mailgun or similar, as well as a domain name.\n\nhttps://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/main/docs/INSTALL-cloud.md\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 00:22\nuser: idontexist\nlikes: 0\ngithub's blocked.\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 00:23\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 1\nAre you on a school laptop or something?\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-14 00:25\nuser: idontexist\nlikes: 1\nyep! just a kid but I have money to get it.\n\npost_number: 9\n2024-03-14 00:26\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 3\nno worries, i wasn’t questioning your ability to do anything, just wondering why you were blocked from github.\n\npost_number: 10\n2024-03-14 00:28\nuser: idontexist\nlikes: 0\nI know, but is the github thing necessary for this process?\n\npost_number: 11\n2024-03-14 00:30\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 2\nyes because the code for our software is in a repository on github\n\npost_number: 12\n2024-03-14 00:35\nuser: idontexist\nlikes: 1\nFor this actual topic, what I actually wanted was to see the icons (for badges) but my friend showed me somewhere else. :grin:\nhttps://meta.discourse.org/styleguide/atoms/icons\n\npost_number: 13\n2024-03-14 01:00\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 5\n[quote=\"idontexist, post:12, topic:299246\"]\nthis actual topic, what I actually wanted was to see the icons (for badges)\n[/quote]\n\nthen that is what you should have asked.\n\npost_number: 14\nsolution: true\n2024-03-14 09:14\nuser: ondrej\nlikes: 1\nOr you can have a look here for more Icons? \n\nhttps://fontawesome.com/v5/search?o=r&m=free&s=solid%2Cregular\n\n### Disable /u/admin-login\ntopic_id: 299344\ncategory: support\ntags: login\n2024-03-14 13:44\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 13:44\nuser: Hyan\nlikes: 0\nHi discourse,\nThis question maybe asked, but I cannot find answer with keywords 'admin-login'. My question is how can I disable user access for example, https://forums.example.com/u/admin-login?\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 13:45\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 7\nSo why would you want to disable admin access?\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 14:03\nuser: ondrej\nlikes: 4\n:arrow_up: exactly that.\n\nIf you ever get 'locked out' by read only mode or a misbehaving sso the admin login comes in quite handy ;)\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 15:35\nuser: Hyan\nlikes: 0\nInitially I have set user@example.com as admin. Then I have basic_auth connected. So I want to myself login only through basic_auth. So do for end users. This is a risk exposure if use access https://forums.example.com/u/admin-login.\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 16:28\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 3\n[quote=\"Hyan, post:4, topic:299344, username:Hyan\"]\nThis is a risk exposure if use access\n[/quote]\n\nHow so? Only forum admins can use that login.\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 16:41\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 6\nIf you want increased security you can add a 2nd factor. \n\nAre you also going to remove the forgot-password path? It has exactly the same security risk as the `/u/login`. \n\nYou could disable `/u/admin-login` with a plugin, which in the past 10 years, no one has wanted to have developed.\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 17:12\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 1\n[quote=\"Jay Pfaffman, post:6, topic:299344, username:pfaffman\"]\nadd a 2nd factor.\n[/quote]\n\nthis is the way.\n\n### Upcoming Header Changes - Preparing Themes and Plugins\ntopic_id: 296544\ncategory: developers\n2024-03-14 10:49\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 10:49\nuser: isaac\nlikes: 18\nexcerpt: We've recently [been working](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/21f23cc032) on updating Discourse's header from the legacy 'widget' rendering system to modern Glimmer components. This change is now available in Discourse core behind the `experimental glimmer header groups` site setting.\n\n## :timer_clock: Approximate Timeline\n\n(very rough estimates - subject to change in either direction)\n\n**Q1 2024:**\n\n- core implementation finished & enabled on Meta\n\n- upgrade advice published; console deprecation messages enabled\n\n- work begins to update all official and third-party plugins/themes\n\n**Q2 2024:**\n- official and third-party themes/plugins are ready for the upgrade\n\n- Deprecation messages start triggering an admin warning banner for any remaining issues\n\n- Possible #announcements topic for site admins (depending on expected impact)\n\n- Start enabling new header implementation by default\n\n**Q3 2024:**\n\n- Final removal of feature flag and legacy code\n\n## :eyes: What Does it Mean for Me?\n\nIf your plugin or theme uses any 'widget...\n\n### User anonymization is shallow and insufficiently thorough\ntopic_id: 299200\nsolved: true\ncategory: support\ntags: anonymization\n2024-03-13 17:02\n\n...\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-13 21:20\nuser: pitrou\nlikes: 0\n[quote=\"Dylan_Michael, post:4, topic:299200\"]\nI’m not a lawyer either, but basic understanding of GDPR compliance (not country specific) is that can be maintained with a policy of enforcing people don’t publish any kind of personally identifiable information in forum posts.\n[/quote]\n\nIME, that doesn't match the actual posting patterns in any real-world forum. Even in relatively impersonal settings (such as an open source community), some people still, occasionally, post personal information which might more or less easily help a reader identify them even after the username was anonymized.\n\nIOW, I think the kind of forum that you're describing probably doesn't exist in practice.\n\n[quote=\"piffy, post:2, topic:299200\"]\nThere is already an option to wipe an account completely. You just need to delete all posts then delete the account.\n[/quote]\n\nThanks for this. I'm not a moderator myself but I'm forwarding the information.\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-13 21:36\nuser: supermathie\nlikes: 6\nexcerpt: [quote=\"Antoine Pitrou, post:1, topic:299200, username:pitrou\"]\nIt is generally understood that deleting user data really means *deletion* of *any kind of data* that might help identify the user (doesn’t need to be a complete official name or an unambiguous identifier : any mention of personal characteristics, however imprecise, is enough).\n\nGiven that you probably don’t want admins and moderators to go around in all past posting history of a user requesting anonymization, and manually blank out any potentially personal information in those posts’ contents, it seems to me the only reasonable solution is to physically delete all posts by that person, and any quoting thereof in subsequent posts.\n[/quote]\n\nThese laws, as you point out, are open to interpretation.\n\nDiscourse provides multiple *options* which forum administrators are free to use at their discretion as they see fit to enforce their own interpretation of the law.\n\nWe have multiple customers with GDPR deletion request integrations pointing at their site; some of them delete the posts & accounts outright, some anonymise. Some do it by hand.\n\nBut what they do is their decision - *...\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-13 21:46\nuser: thoka\nlikes: 2\nHm. It feels strange, that site maintainers should be responsible for personal traces, which people have interwoven into the web of conversations in a forum.\n\npost_number: 9\n2024-03-13 21:48\nuser: Dylan_Michael\nlikes: 0\n[quote=\"Antoine Pitrou, post:6, topic:299200, username:pitrou\"]\nIOW, I think the kind of forum that you’re describing probably doesn’t exist in practice.\n[/quote]\n\nI don't know what \"IOW\" means, but I have seen this practice maintained at a U.S. based forum for FTC compliance, also GDPR for European users. I am in the U.S. not the E.U. \n\nHere at Meta it is a policy to not sign posts, as the user card acts as as signature where people can have a link to their own site and some personal contact information as long as that is restricted to user card doesn't need to be posted in posts. \n\nIs common for people to forget if that is a policy so does require active moderation to maintain, maybe is not a common practice but does exist.\n\npost_number: 10\n2024-03-13 21:49\nuser: pitrou\nlikes: 1\n\n[quote=\"Michael Brown, post:7, topic:299200, username:supermathie\"]\nDiscourse provides multiple *options* which forum administrators are free to use at their discretion as they see fit to enforce their own interpretation of the law.\n\nWe have multiple customers with GDPR deletion request integrations pointing at their site; some of them delete the posts & accounts outright, some anonymise. Some do it by hand.\n[/quote]\n\nThat's useful, thank you!\n\n[quote=\"Michael Brown, post:7, topic:299200, username:supermathie\"]\n*we* aren’t the *data owner* of the forums - they are\n[/quote]\n\nYeah, I know :-)\n\n[quote=\"Michael Brown, post:7, topic:299200, username:supermathie\"]\nIf you feel that anonymisation was insufficient on the site you’re talking about, it’s best to address it with them.\n[/quote]\n\nThat's what I did, and it was suggested in reply that I ask on meta.discourse.org, hence this topic ;-)\n\npost_number: 11\n2024-03-13 22:12\nuser: jeanas\nlikes: 2\n[quote=\"Dylan_Michael, post:9, topic:299200\"]\nI don’t know what “IOW” means\n[/quote]\n\n\"In other words\"\n\n### Share AI conversations via a public link\ntopic_id: 299290\ncategory: announcements\ntags: new-feature, ai, ai-bot\n2024-03-14 06:00\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 06:00\nuser: sam\nlikes: 6\nexcerpt: We recently landed a new feature that lets you share AI conversations via a link with the public! \n\nhttps://meta.discourse.org/discourse-ai/ai-bot/shared-ai-conversations/A5c6-oa3hPyvBCi60GdcYg?a\n<https://meta.discourse.org/discourse-ai/ai-bot/shared-ai-conversations/A5c6-oa3hPyvBCi60GdcYg>\n\nUsers who have access to the [AI Bot](https://meta.discourse.org/t/introducing-ai-bot/283410) and are members of groups in the `ai bot public sharing allowed groups`  (site setting) are allowed to share conversations with the public. \n\nBy default we restrict sharing to staff, but this can expanded to any group you want\n\n![The image shows a user interface of an online forum or message board with various action buttons like Archive, Defer, Assign, and a highlighted Reply button, indicating options for managing a conversation thread. (Captioned by AI)|690x171](upload://o4SRS...\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 11:19\nuser: Jagster\nlikes: 0\n[quote=\"Sam Saffron, post:1, topic:299290, username:sam\"]\nThe pages we generate for sharing are **not indexed** by Google, by design\n[/quote]\n\nIs this design using robots.txt?\n\nBut what purpose is this filling 🤔\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 11:46\nuser: sam\nlikes: 2\nNo we use a custom header telling crawlers not to index, that is the proper way\n\nPurpose, is to do our little bit not filling the search engines with llm generated content\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 17:49\nuser: Oniel\nlikes: 1\nA very cool feature!\n\nI'm using a plugin https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-math/65770 and I create a custom prompt in which I ask the bot to enclose latex in '
```, but this is not displayed on the page when I shared the bot's answer. Is there anything we can do about it?\n\n[details=\"Screenshots\"]\n\n![browser_RlWQpF3HuU|448x500](upload://7a8MhHmoPBuoysnSRWuOSVsof9g.png)\n\n![image|690x430](upload://v9427o2fjiN6mhpNXialjjjEE89.png)\n[/details]\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 18:39\nuser: Falco\nlikes: 1\nWe've made the public \"Discourse AI conversation\" page a lightweight one without the many hooks our full topic page have, so features like Math will be broken there.\n\nA workaround for you is converting it to a public topic instead and sharing the topic link, which will contain all your standard Discourse features.\n\n### Thank You Discourse - Incredible Software\ntopic_id: 299049\ncategory: praise\n2024-03-12 18:01\n\n...\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 01:22\nuser: Mr.X_Mr.X\nlikes: 9\nIncredible piece of software and the support is absolutely incredible. Discourse team has motivated me to be fully dedicated to my community which has brought a lot of joy to a lot of users. Thank you for being an inspiration and a constant supporter of decentralized communities.\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 19:21\nuser: Scott_Darnell\nlikes: 0\nexcerpt: I'm watching community engagement grow and it's very heart-warming.  Folks can focus on discussions without having to wait for the website to load, or log out once mid-post.  \n\nMost important aspect is the security.  PhpBB, for all it's awesomeness, had a lot of security vulnerabilities.  For where the site runs, security is extremely important.  We had to add layers, upon layers of security to keep the PhpBB site running.  EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING was an issue.  It was frustrating every day dealing with the firewall, backups, etc... the phpBB database was also bloated due to the PhpBB Word Match table.  It was horrible.  I maintained the site because there were no alternatives, but my gosh, how easy and enjoyable this is.\n\nIt's also re-assuring to see that Discourse was able to get a business model going that seems to support development of software.  I haven't been to market place, but I'm sure I would if I was operating a business vice an all-volunteer community.  The hosting and configuration support offered from Discourse is...\n\n### Incoming emails no longer processed, log showing Email can not be processed: Email::Receiver::EmptyEmailError\ntopic_id: 299228\ncategory: support\ntags: email\n2024-03-13 21:08\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-13 21:08\nuser: MKorndoerfer\nlikes: 0\nexcerpt: Suddenly the system stopped processing emails. In the log, I can see the following entry: \n\n\n```\nMessage (7560 copies reported)\n\nEmail can not be processed: Email::Receiver::EmptyEmailError\n\n\n\nBacktrace\n\n/var/www/discourse/lib/email/processor.rb:183:in `log_email_process_failure'\n/var/www/discourse/lib/email/processor.rb:29:in `rescue in process!'\n/var/www/discourse/lib/email/processor.rb:16:in `process!'\n/var/www/discourse/lib/email/processor.rb:13:in `process!'\n/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/scheduled/poll_mailbox.rb:29:in `process_popmail'\n/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/scheduled/poll_mailbox.rb:49:in `block (2 levels) in poll_pop3'\n/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-pop-0.1.2/lib...\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-13 21:14\nuser: thoka\nlikes: 0\nThis [happened to me once](https://meta.discourse.org/t/email-processor-does-not-expect-to-be-called-with-mail-nil/258428/2) while polling mails via pop and getting into timeouts due to a huge inbox.\n\nDo you delete received messages?\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-13 21:16\nuser: MKorndoerfer\nlikes: 0\nI haven't, but there aren't that many mails. Around 30.\n\nAnd I actually need them to be processed...\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-13 21:23\nuser: thoka\nlikes: 1\nDid you try \nhttps://meta.discourse.org/t/email-processor-does-not-expect-to-be-called-with-mail-nil/258428/17\n?\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-13 21:27\nuser: MKorndoerfer\nlikes: 0\nYes, this setting has been enabled all along.\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-13 21:33\nuser: MKorndoerfer\nlikes: 0\nI think there's sth wrong with the email provider. Strange things are happening...\n\nThanks for trying to help, if I'll figure it out, I'll let you know!\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-13 21:38\nuser: thoka\nlikes: 2\nIf I remember correct, I patched the code in the running discourse to ignore empty mails. \n\nhttps://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/2d074ad4a5f5370c135bc2c939f37c9453c296d6/lib/email/processor.rb#L16-L21\n\nYou could try to insert `return if @mail.blank?` before line 18.\n\nAlternatively, you could try to remove the failing job from sidekiq.\n\n(I would do a backup before such experiments)\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-13 22:13\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 2\nAnd if that fixes it, then this should be moved to #bug.\n\npost_number: 9\n2024-03-13 22:15\nuser: MKorndoerfer\nlikes: 2\nJust wait. It seems that the mail server is acting up. In addition to the empty mail error, I also get a read timeout, which I originally didn't associate with the email process, but it is. \n\nI'm currently talking with my mail hoster, who confirmed that there seems to be something wrong in his side. \n\nAs soon as I know more, I'll let you know!\n\npost_number: 10\n2024-03-14 07:43\nuser: MKorndoerfer\nlikes: 1\nOk, we found the culprit. It was a single mail, as soon as I moved that mail into a separate folder, the rest of the mails were processed correctly. \n\nAn IMAP client can see that mail just fine. I'd send that mail's raw contents (incl. headers and all) in a private message, if you want, so you can check and debug the reason for hanging the process.\n\n### Storage usage\ntopic_id: 299248\ncategory: data & reporting\ntags: sql-query\n2024-03-13 23:33\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-13 23:33\nuser: fuse\nlikes: 1\nTried searching, didn’t find something similar.\n\nIs there a way to generate a report of storage usage by user?\n\nI run a very small discourse community- around 20 really active users, and around 40 total folks.\n\nI bear the cost myself, which is fine.\n\nI’d like to be able to do something like:\n\nUser A 1GB upload\nUser B 10GB upload\nUser C 100 GB upload\n\nTo have a relative reference on who is driving storage cost.\n\nAny ideas?\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 04:32\nuser: JammyDodger\nlikes: 3\nWould something like this fit the bill?\n\n```sql\nSELECT \n    user_id, \n    ROUND(SUM(filesize)/1048576.00,1) AS \"Storage (MB)\"\nFROM uploads\nGROUP BY user_id\nORDER BY 2 DESC\nLIMIT 100\n```\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 12:29\nuser: fuse\nlikes: 1\nI will give it a try, thank you!\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 18:55\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 1\nYou could conceivably make a custom badge that used something like the suggested query to give people a badge when they hit each of the thresholds.\n\n### Insert Copyright symbol\ntopic_id: 297493\nsolved: true\ncategory: support\n2024-03-01 16:36\n\n...\n\npost_number: 29\n2024-03-13 21:15\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 1\nStrange, it seems to work saw for me:\n![Screenshot_20240313_161005_Chrome|282x96](upload://irdySoFTOUG4PiMZffNxfCByITQ.jpeg)\n![Screenshot_20240313_161110_Chrome|690x237](upload://9fAEIvXcoPndUZd9OzoOXQVu2Xb.jpeg)\n![Screenshot_20240313_161141_Chrome|690x220](upload://iVJmJb0okJS2f1y0tWQWchqWZie.jpeg)\nRaw:\n```markdown\n(c) &copy; <casually uses older test topics instead of making a new one>\n```\n\npost_number: 30\n2024-03-13 21:17\nuser: Jagster\nlikes: 1\nReally 🤔 Good to know, I have to dig deeper then what is the issue in my end.\n\npost_number: 31\n2024-03-14 10:18\nuser: david\nlikes: 1\nMaybe worth using the unicode character instead of the `&copy;` HTML entity. (I suspect that's what @Firepup650 did, based on the watched-word config screenshot?)\n\nI'm sure there's a proper way to insert... but I tend to just copy-paste it from somewhere else (e.g. google ['unicode copyright'](https://www.google.com/search?q=unicode+copyright)) ;)\n\npost_number: 32\n2024-03-14 11:13\nuser: Jagster\nlikes: 0\nI see. And all of that hazzle because one american lawyer needed to use (c) as a list separator?\n\nWell. All that hazzle comes actually from fact that IT side is really far fay away from other galaxy, where was no working standards 🤣\n\nBut I’m bit curious, even the topic got its answer. I really would like to understand this.\n\nWhy the core of Discourse can’t use HTML entities via watched words, but a component like Topic List Previews can show those?\n\npost_number: 33\n2024-03-14 12:59\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 1\n[quote=\"David Taylor, post:31, topic:297493, username:david\"]\n(I suspect that’s what @Firepup650 did, based on the watched-word config screenshot?)\n[/quote]\nProbably, I just pasted the one off of gboard.\n\npost_number: 34\n2024-03-14 13:36\nuser: Jagster\nlikes: 2\n[quote=\"Firepup Sixfifty, post:33, topic:297493, username:Firepup650\"]\nI just pasted the one off of gboard\n[/quote]\n\n🤣\n\nThis starts to be quite funny, actually.\n\nFirst I wrote one liner using HTML entities `&copy;` as &copy; and `&micro;g` (because of limitation made by Apple) for &micro;g.\n\nThen I copypasted those two and made two watched words:\n* (c) -> ©\n* myyg -> μg\n\nProblem solved^[but guys, seriously; now is year 2024 😂]. Now I got copyright sign without a plugin and micro-sign without overpriced keyboard.\n\nThanks!\n\n### JavaScript Execution Time\ntopic_id: 299356\ncategory: dev\n2024-03-14 15:53\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 15:53\nuser: abdul19\nlikes: 0\nSometimes the JavaScript file is executed before the DOM is completely rendered. The problem caused by this is while trying to access the DOm elements, it gives an error saying the element does not exists. For the moment, We have use the setTimeOut method to delay the execution for half a second which is not a good solution nor a good practice.\nSo, the question is how to change the JavaScript file to execute only if the DOM is fully generated?\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 15:56\nuser: Falco\nlikes: 3\nThat's expected if you build your extensions using inadequate hooks, like `$( document ).ready` or anything like that.\n\nDiscourse is an EmberJS app, so any extensions should take that into consideration and hook into the app existing hooks. You can learn about that at https://meta.discourse.org/t/beginners-guide-to-developing-discourse-themes/93648?u=falco\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 16:02\nuser: abdul19\nlikes: 2\n@Falco Thank you very much for responding. I will have a look at it and let you know if it worked\n\n### Number of unread replies is different than number of topic replies due to reply deletions\ntopic_id: 142244\ncategory: ux\n2020-02-21 11:00\n\n...\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 13:53\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 2\nWas in the middle of composing a new #ux report about this, because of how often it confuses me:\n![image|690x40](upload://pODrG4PMWwTTpfCEPL89hNCiwH4.png)\n\nJust thought about this more, would whispers cause the same effect?\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 14:07\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 1\nSome topics have a lot of deleted replies\n\n![image|226x44](upload://jFsumwHqZbVpEVxf9YHhnPD5kdN.png)\n\nlots of posts are auto deleted via general forum maintenance here (ie: \"all replies to this topic will be deleted after x time\")  , since Meta has been around since the beginning of Discourse.\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-14 14:08\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 1\nAnd that makes perfect sense, it's just confusing to see that a topic supposedly has over 600 unread replies, only to check the topic and see one.\n\npost_number: 9\n2024-03-14 14:15\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 1\n[quote=\"Firepup Sixfifty, post:6, topic:142244, username:Firepup650\"]\nwould whispers cause the same effect?\n[/quote]\nIndeed they do:\n![my main account|690x426](upload://4m5BIX1vM1ECN0H2FGBf8D6Nx4V.png)\n![secondary account, can't see whispers|690x31](upload://xg02cqP4NU2TwdRFbsJEZRZTIXd.png)\n\n### Patreon plugin is not adding free patreon members to group\ntopic_id: 298724\nsolved: true\ncategory: support\ntags: patreon\n2024-03-10 03:39\n\n...\n\npost_number: 3\nsolution: true\n2024-03-13 23:06\nuser: jessii\nlikes: 3\nHey @a_lilian! Just to provide the update here for others to see:\n\nThe `free` memberships on Patreon isn’t an actual tier, it’s just following the account for any public updates. Because of this, users won’t be added to the Discourse group until they purchase a paid tier subscription. Here is a bit of information on the change from Follow to Free memberships and the benefits they get:\n\nhttps://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/16433886029325-How-free-memberships-can-help-grow-your-community#h_01HBCDSFXEGMFMV8JSEY89JNYD\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 00:24\nuser: a_lilian\nlikes: 1\nexcerpt: Got it! So if I understand correctly, the Discourse Patreon plugin is not currently able to add free Patreon members to Discourse groups.\n\nPatreon does allow me to list free members as a labeled column in its audience manager and I can export a CSV showing this as a tier too:\n\n![image|163x500](upload://nDKQroukV6OsGmrHuOme396VSmO.png)\n\n![image|80x220](upload://vYJM0HkI77IFlURG26fZKjhtmKY.png)\n\n\n I don't know what kind of data the Patreon API returns on calls against it but I do wonder if this is a solvable problem. But anyways that veers into bug report/feature request territory and my original question has a clear answer now, so I'm going to mark this topic solved and change the title to something easier to search for!\n\nEdit: Ah shucks, I don't think I'm a high enough trust level to edit my title right now. I was going to go with **Patreon plugin is not adding free patreon members to group**...\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 00:37\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 0\n[quote=\"a_lilian, post:4, topic:298724\"]\nEdit: Ah shucks, I don’t think I’m a high enough trust level to edit my title right now. I was going to go with **Patreon plugin is not adding free patreon members to group** if the fancy strikes anyone to do that :wink:\n[/quote]\n\nGenerally, users can't edit their own titles, only pick from the available ones from groups they're in/badges they have. Staff however, can set anyone's titles to anything. Is that different on a forum that you're on?\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 02:25\nuser: Moin\nlikes: 0\nI believe it was about changing the topic's title rather than using it as a user title.\n\n### Markdown / bbcode code/quote bug\ntopic_id: 299047\ncategory: bug\n2024-03-12 17:53\n\n...\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 08:57\nuser: zogstrip\nlikes: 0\nCan you tell me what browser / OS you're using and how you're quoting these lines?\n\nHere's how it looks on my end\n\n![Screen Recording 2024-03-14 at 09.55.04|video](upload://4kceGv4W4ZyrxB6oiDm5SRMwFEw.mov)\n\nwhich gives the correct markdown\n\n    [quote=\"Richard - Communiteq, post:1, topic:299047, username:RGJ\"]\n    ```\n    line1\n    line2\n    ```\n    [/quote]\n\nwhich renders as\n\n[quote=\"Richard - Communiteq, post:1, topic:299047, username:RGJ\"]\n```\nline1\nline2\n```\n[/quote]\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 09:02\nuser: zogstrip\nlikes: 1\nOh wait, I think I understand what you mean :man_facepalming: \n\n1. Write down the following markdown\n\n```\n[code]\nline1\nline2\n[/code]\n```\n\n2. Select the text and click the \"Blockquote\" button so it prepends a `> ` on each line\n\n```\n> [code]\n> line1\n> line2\n> [/code]\n```\n\nWhich renders (wrongly) as\n\n> [code]\n> line1\n> line2\n> [/code]\n\nInstead of \n\n> ```\n> line1\n> line2\n> ```\n\nThis is most likely an issue with the way we parse [BBCode Blocks](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/main/app/assets/javascripts/discourse-markdown-it/src/features/bbcode-block.js) :thinking:\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-14 09:23\nuser: RGJ\nlikes: 1\nYeah, I already figured it was not a markdown issue per se but probably a bbcode issue. \n\nThe problem can be circumvented by using ` ``` ` instead of `[code]`, as supermathie implicitly said in the second post.\n\npost_number: 9\n2024-03-14 18:21\nuser: zogstrip\nlikes: 2\nWill be fixed by\n\nhttps://github.com/discourse/discourse/pull/26182\n\n### Can't activate encrypted messages on my phone - says my paper key is incorrect or the key pair is incorrect\ntopic_id: 297740\ncategory: support\ntags: encrypt\n2024-03-03 23:42\n\n...\n\npost_number: 21\n2024-03-13 22:44\nuser: meglio\nlikes: 1\n[quote=\"Lilly, post:20, topic:297740\"]\nhuh? what did you do differently?\n[/quote]\n\nI wasn't clear, sorry. It did not work in any of the mobile browsers. It did work in another browser on my laptop.\n\npost_number: 22\n2024-03-13 23:11\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 0\nExcellent. good to know.  I'm glad you got it working! :slight_smile:\n\npost_number: 23\n2024-03-13 23:12\nuser: meglio\nlikes: 1\nBut I haven't. I only got it working in another browser in my laptop. It still fails in my smartphone.\n\npost_number: 24\n2024-03-13 23:16\nuser: Lilly\nlikes: 0\nOh now I misunderstood you - I thought you meant when you switch browsers it suddenly worked on your phone.  :thinking:   \n\nOk so you have 2 browsers on your laptop that can do it, but no browser on your iPhone can enable encryption?\n\npost_number: 25\n2024-03-13 23:19\nuser: meglio\nlikes: 2\n[quote=\"Lilly, post:24, topic:297740\"]\nOk so you have 2 browsers on your laptop that can do it, but no browser on your iPhone can enable encryption?\n[/quote]\n\nCorrect. Nor in the Discourse App (althought I guess it is just a wrapper around the same engine that Safari uses).\n\n### Can I not use top-level domain names for installation?\ntopic_id: 299309\ncategory: installation\n2024-03-14 08:47\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 08:47\nuser: yunge\nlikes: 0\nAfter I installed it using a top-level domain name, I cannot open the URL. Can this program only use second-level or third-level domain names?\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 10:40\nuser: Ed_S\nlikes: 4\nIt can work on a top-level domain, I have a discourse on a .com domain.\n\nBut this doesn't help explain what is happening with your installation.\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 14:07\nuser: yunge\nlikes: 0\nThank you, the problem has been solved.\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 14:29\nuser: Jagster\nlikes: 0\nWhat was the issue then?\n\n### Discourse Crash due to PSQL connection issue\ntopic_id: 299245\ncategory: installation\n2024-03-13 23:17\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-13 23:17\nuser: jimmy0017\nlikes: 0\nexcerpt: We kept getting this message on our forum. (like every 3-4 hours). We have 16 cores of CPU and 32GB of ram. I don't think the resources is an issue.\n\n```\nOops\nThe software powering this discussion forum encountered an unexpected problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.\n\nDetailed information about the error was logged, and an automatic notification generated. We'll take a look at it.\n\nNo further action is necessary. However, if the error condition persists, you can provide additional detail, including steps to reproduce the error, by posting a discussion topic in the site's feedback category.\n```\n\nThe production log shows\n\n```\n\napp/models/user_auth_token.rb:125:in `lookup'\nlib/auth/default_current_user_provider.rb:131:in `current_user'\nlib/current_user.rb:35:in `current_user'\napp/controllers/application_controller.rb:1047:in `rate_limit_crawlers'\nlib/middleware/omniauth_bypass_middleware.rb:64:in `call'\nlib/content_...\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 18:50\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 1\nI'd give postgres (db_shared_buffers) at least 16GB if not 20.\n\nBut you need to make more DB connections. I can't remember just how to do that.\n\nI think it's `max_connections` in `/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf` (inside the container that's running postgres) that you need to change.\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 19:48\nuser: RGJ\nlikes: 0\n[quote=\"Jay Pfaffman, post:2, topic:299245, username:pfaffman\"]\nBut you need to make more DB connections\n[/quote]\n\nI think so too. :+1: \n\n[quote=\"Jay Pfaffman, post:2, topic:299245, username:pfaffman\"]\nI’d give postgres (db_shared_buffers) at least 16GB if not 20\n[/quote]\n\nAre you sure about that? That seems high. See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/runtime-config-resource.html\n\n> If you have a dedicated database server with 1GB or more of RAM, a reasonable starting value for `shared_buffers` is 25% of the memory in your system. There are some workloads where even larger settings for `shared_buffers` are effective, but because PostgreSQL also relies on the operating system cache, it is unlikely that an allocation of more than 40% of RAM to `shared_buffers` will work better than a smaller amount\n\nAnd this is not a dedicated database server, there are 32 unicorn processes on it as well.\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 20:03\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 1\n[quote=\"Richard - Communiteq, post:3, topic:299245, username:RGJ\"]\nAre you sure about that? That seems high.\n[/quote]\n\nI always defer to you on matters like this, and I thought I was quoting advice you'd given in the past, so, **NO** I am not sure. :rofl: \n\nIt's pretty clear that the connections is the issue and increasing the RAM to 25% of 32GB might help in general, but isn't the cause of the error.\n\nEDIT: \n\n[quote=\"Richard - Communiteq, post:4, topic:216082, username:RGJ\"]\nIgnore all the advice you find on the internet and set it to 40-50% of your memory.\n[/quote]\n\nHa! That's exactly what I remembered, except it looks like I was going to go over 50%. . .\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 20:16\nuser: RGJ\nlikes: 1\n[quote=\"Jay Pfaffman, post:4, topic:299245, username:pfaffman\"]\nI thought I was quoting advice you’d given in the past\n[/quote]\n\nI plead sort-of-guilty\n\n[quote=\"Richard - Communiteq, post:4, topic:216082, username:RGJ\"]\nIgnore all the advice you find on the internet and set it to 40-50% of your memory.\n[/quote]\n\nBut that was then ... ;) \n\n[quote=\"Jay Pfaffman, post:4, topic:299245, username:pfaffman\"]\nIt’s pretty clear that the connections is the issue and increasing the RAM to 25% of 32GB might help in general, but isn’t the cause of the error.\n[/quote]\n:100:\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 20:21\nuser: Falco\nlikes: 0\n[quote=\"jimmy0017, post:1, topic:299245\"]\nWe set the following config in\n\n```\nUNICORN_WORKERS: 32\nUNICORN_SIDEKIQS: 2\n```\n[/quote]\n\nWhy? Those are the cause of you running out of connection slots.\n\n### How do I see pictures in raw?\ntopic_id: 299155\ncategory: support\n2024-03-13 11:55\n\n...\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-13 23:15\nuser: idontexist\nlikes: 0\nLike when you do the link like:\n`https://meta.discourse.org/t/raw/299155/`\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 07:24\nuser: merefield\nlikes: 3\nThat view is not intended for showing pictures.  The \"raw\" refers to the Markdown. It shows the source Markdown which will never contain the rendered images.\n\n### Missing edit configuration under list of word/answer pairs\ntopic_id: 298804\ncategory: bug\ntags: automation\n2024-03-11 01:35\n\n...\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-13 22:52\nuser: st0rm\nlikes: 3\nSeems this commit has fixed the issue. https://github.com/discourse/discourse-automation/commit/3a7db967b15d8f2505bd6cca40a19e3749788b32\n\n### Install Discourse on Ubuntu or Debian for Development\ntopic_id: 14727\ncategory: developers\ntags: dev-install, how-to\n2014-04-12 22:22\n\n...\n\npost_number: 661\n2024-03-14 13:41\nuser: minhhq\nlikes: 1\nI followed the instructions on this page, but received this error when I installed the JS dependencies:\n`error discourse@: The engine \"node\" is incompatible with this module. Expected version \">= 18\". Got \"17.0.1\"\nerror Found incompatible module.`\nHow should I fix it?\nThanks.\n\npost_number: 662\n2024-03-14 15:51\nuser: merefield\nlikes: 2\nThe error tells you _almost_ everything you need to know: your local installation of Node is too old.\n\nUse a version manager like `nvm` to install 18.x\n\nRelates SO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53785383/how-to-change-node-js-version-with-nvm\n\n### Speak with the Discourse product team about advertising\ntopic_id: 299050\ncategory: feature\ntags: feedback, advertising\n2024-03-12 18:01\n\n...\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 13:05\nuser: christina.bourne\nlikes: 1\nI'd like to participate!\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-14 13:54\nuser: unni66\nlikes: 1\nCount me in as well\n\npost_number: 9\n2024-03-14 19:14\nuser: Richie\nlikes: 1\nSign me up, I run AdSense on my Discourse  :raised_hand:t2:\n\n### Misaligned Envelope in New PM notification icon\ntopic_id: 299252\ncategory: ux\ntags: notifications\n2024-03-13 23:56\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-13 23:56\nuser: HamMan2118\nlikes: 0\nGood evening!\n\nNoticed when I receive a PM on another forum that the :email: icon is off center from the green background, slightly off to the right. \n![image|116x52](upload://7VcH6u2ksb9TiSc6KLZ4yrDT3GD.png)\n\nTo ensure this was not specific to one forum, I tested it here too. Only this one is slightly off center to the left 😝\n![IMG_3699|220x180](upload://56onWcAHarYbOxnp43iqGh52dkr.jpeg)\n\nTo repro:\n1.) Send yourself (or receive) a PM\n2.) notice the notification icon, with the envelope off-center.\n\nThis isn’t a very important issue but now I cannot unsee it 🙃\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 00:01\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 0\nJust PM'd you here, can you reproduce it here on Meta? Also, what browser/device combo are you seeing this on?\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 00:02\nuser: HamMan2118\nlikes: 0\nHello,\n\nYes, I tested here on meta as stated on the report:\n\n[quote=\"Preston K, post:1, topic:299252, username:HamMan2118\"]\nTo ensure this was not specific to one forum, I tested it here too. Only this one is slightly off center to the left :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:\n![IMG_3699|220x180](upload://56onWcAHarYbOxnp43iqGh52dkr)\n[/quote]\n\nREproed on Chrome, version 122.0.6261.69, as well as on iPhone 13 Pro running Safari.\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 00:03\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 0\nCan't reproduce, Chrome, Android 13, Samsung Galaxy A23\n![Screenshot_20240313_190229_Chrome|344x118](upload://jlFltcjmZJ9Qxq7QcZVnGfue1cR.jpeg)\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 00:03\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 1\nIs it perhaps specific to one theme? If you change to a different one, does it still occur?\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 00:08\nuser: HamMan2118\nlikes: 0\nResults on different themes:\n- Meta Branded:\n![image|73x61](upload://lFuT6XlMPA6DntieuC8jnQgD9A6.png)\n- Central:\n![image|69x58](upload://8xHIct3rxLUtaRJ9CqalTyezY0A.png)\n- Default:\n![image|47x43](upload://hjO4FL0kfxvMl8ZrrvZEKvjEjXM.png)\n\nSeems to be the case on all of the theme with the :email: as the icon for unread messages.\n\nCould potentially see if others can repro as well.\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 00:34\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 1\nexcerpt: My personal testing results:\n1. Regardless of theme I try on my phone, it is correctly aligned\n2. PC results:\n2.1. Accessible Contrast dark:\n![image|123x40](upload://lQJwESNIVsTC7tRHtAIuyFiLjnX.png)\n2.2. Air Theme:\n![image|132x44](upload://dNNNkjiVSWS0HchSd4BZHYdMpxa.png)\n2.3. Central:\n![image|126x44](upload://ffPYUI7EpsiSPHzTyUWO3xKT30f.png)\n2.4. Dark:\n![image|139x40](upload://8Kthg5cGo9XtQ8h3SbTWIPsRgk9.png)\n2.5. Default:\n![image|127x42](upload://tXqRjS48w1ubJsqw7CQM7oKKCfK.png)\n2.6. Default (full-width):\n![image|116x45](upload://esFBQ...\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-14 00:53\nuser: HamMan2118\nlikes: 1\nOdd. I’ll do some further investigation later!\n\n...\n\npost_number: 11\n2024-03-14 14:40\nuser: HamMan2118\nlikes: 0\nOk, I tested on two other discourse communities that I am a part in. Here are the results.\n\n- devsupport.flightsimulator.com\n![image|180x180](upload://uL9hzTNmcjIt8sqEE1f9u3bSF33.png)\n- forums.goatsimulator3.com\n![image|187x180](upload://f5NXMEQBGz3UT4sT0zgYtLZmbPK.png)\n\nDevSupport uses the default Dark theme while the Goat Sim 3 forum uses a special theme. Both tested on iPhone 13 Pro, this time on Chrome for iOS.\n\nSo, it seems that default color scemes are causing this issue? Not sure though why @Firepup650 you cannot repro 🤔\n\nEDIT: Tested to see if the profile picture made a difference on goat sim 3 forum. Nope\n\n### Add temporary Threads logo to current Font Awesome version\ntopic_id: 296611\ncategory: feature\n2024-02-24 22:10\n\n...\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 01:20\nuser: Roi\nlikes: 0\nAre there any plans to add such an icon? 😎\n\n...\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 05:36\nuser: JammyDodger\nlikes: 1\nI’m afraid there aren’t any plans to add Threads as a temporary logo, and we’re currently still waiting on the upgrade to FontAwesome 6 for this to be available. \n\n\n[quote=\"Roi, post:74, topic:158136\"]\nAs soon as a [Threads logo is available ](https://meta.discourse.org/t/add-temporary-threads-logo/296611) I will add Threads support, too.\n[/quote]\n\nWould this be any help in the meantime?\n\nhttps://meta.discourse.org/t/replace-discourses-default-svg-icons-with-custom-icons-in-a-theme/115736\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-14 09:07\nuser: Roi\nlikes: 0\n[quote=\"JammyDodger, post:7, topic:296611\"]\nWould this be any help in the meantime?\n[/quote]\n\nIn theory, yes. But it looks complicated - just for having a link to our Threads account or having the Threads accounts of our users (nobody entered one in his/her user profile, yet) in the Clickable Social Icon Links on Profile theme component.\n\nBut thank you for bringing this up. I was not aware of this. And for sure it is something for \"real own\" icons which will never be part of FontAwesome.\n\n[quote=\"JammyDodger, post:7, topic:296611\"]\nand we’re currently still waiting on the upgrade to FontAwesome 6 for this to be available.\n[/quote]\n\nFor my use case and the Threads icon I will wait for FontAwesome 6 integration. ;-)\n\nIs there any rough time schedule/plan for that?\n\npost_number: 9\n2024-03-14 11:17\nuser: JammyDodger\nlikes: 1\n[quote=\"Roi, post:8, topic:296611\"]\nIs there any rough time schedule/plan for that?\n[/quote]\n\nAs yet, no firm timeline. Though it has been on the books as a potential for some time. I’ve given it a nudge to see if there’s any expected movement. :crossed_fingers:\n\n### Add tags based on user selection\ntopic_id: 299388\ncategory: feature\ntags: form-templates\n2024-03-14 18:59\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 18:59\nuser: Jayne_ivana\nlikes: 2\nOne feature I'd love to see is for specific tags to be automatically added based on the checkmark selection a user makes on a question.\n\nExample: What platform do you use?\n- Steam\n- Xbox\n- PC\n\nAnd when they check one, the relevant tag is applied to the post.\n\n### Weighted user search\ntopic_id: 299382\ncategory: feature\n2024-03-14 18:10\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 18:10\nuser: putty\nlikes: 2\nWould it be possible to weigh a user/group's placement in a search, similar as weighting a topic in a search? I ask because when I submit a (much appreciated) support ticket and type \"team\", the one I want is always at the bottom. It would be great if this user(s) comes up first or is even sorted by recently interacted with, etc.\n\nThanks!\n\n### Error in install AWS lightsail with CloudFlare\ntopic_id: 299168\ncategory: support\n2024-03-13 14:28\n\n...\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-13 22:19\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 2\nYour site is up now, so this is solved?\n\nDid you turn off the orange cloud as the links suggested?\n\n### Discourse AI Plugin\ntopic_id: 259214\ncategory: plugin\ntags: official, ai\n2023-04-24 19:39\n\n...\n\npost_number: 143\n2024-03-14 20:23\nuser: sp-jordan-violet\nlikes: 0\n@Falco @sam are there any options if we want to use our own AI provider outside of what are available in the settings? e.g. if we're hosting our own, if we're using a service like [mendable.ai](https://mendable.ai), etc.\n\npost_number: 144\n2024-03-14 20:26\nuser: Falco\nlikes: 1\nWe support both the [vLLM](https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm) and [TGI](https://github.com/huggingface/text-generation-inference) APIs for LLM inference, plus any API that mimics the OpenAI can should work by setting the `ai openai gpt4 url` pointing to it.\n\npost_number: 145\n2024-03-14 20:47\nuser: sp-jordan-violet\nlikes: 0\nIt looks like it's not *quite* 1:1 for OpenAI, but it's very close: \nhttps://docs.mendable.ai/mendable-api/chat\n\n### Dashboard Report - System\ntopic_id: 293546\ncategory: data & reporting\ntags: sql-query, dashboard-reports, dashboard-sql\n2024-01-30 22:39\n\n...\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 17:56\nuser: SaraDev\nlikes: 1\nexcerpt: [quote=\"Jumanji, post:2, topic:293546\"]\nCan this be tied to a specific PM, like the welcome PM?\n[/quote]\n\nYes, the best way to add this in would be to add a section to the `WHERE` statement in the query, filtering by topic `title`. \n\nFor example: \n``` sql\nWHERE archetype = 'private_message'\n  AND subtype = 'system_message'\n  AND created_at BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date\n  AND title = 'Greetings!'\n```\n\nWould find all of the `Greetings!` messages. \n\nNote that some of the system messages do not include a real user, so removing the  line `AND user_id > 0` may be necessary with this type of query. \n\nYou may also want to remove `AND deleted_at IS NULL` to still count welcome messages that users might delete. \n\nYou could use regex to match topics with a similar title.\n\nTo match a topic by title using a regular expression (regex) in PostgreSQL, you can use the `~` operator, which matches a regular expression against a...\n\n### Why DevX innovator Okteto migrated from Slack to Discourse\ntopic_id: 299338\ncategory: blog\n2024-03-14 13:01\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 13:01\nuser: stella\nlikes: 1\n<p>In software development, access to a collaborative community can be a game-changer as it enables shared problem-solving and continuous learning. We connected with Ramiro Berrelleza, the founder of <a href=\"https://www.okteto.com/?ref=blog.discourse.org\">Okteto</a>, who launched his company with a clear vision: to \"help software teams ship value faster by automating their development experience.\" When he founded Okteto he recognized the critical importance of building an engaged community around this vision.</p>\n<hr>\n<small>This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at <a href=\"https://blog.discourse.org/2024/03/why-devx-innovator-okteto-migrated-from-slack-to-discourse\">https://blog.discourse.org/2024/03/why-devx-innovator-okteto-migrated-from-slack-to-discourse</a></small>\n\n### Shouldn't mention personal messages when they are disabled\ntopic_id: 106651\ncategory: ux\ntags: completed, personal-messages\n2019-01-16 03:08\n\n...\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-14 10:32\nuser: JammyDodger\nlikes: 1\nI think this one is connected as well: \n\nhttps://github.com/discourse/discourse/pull/26157\n\n### Custom menu links are modified and broken by Discourse\ntopic_id: 299027\ncategory: bug\ntags: pri-medium, member-experience\n2024-03-12 14:47\n\n...\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 04:51\nuser: sam\nlikes: 1\nJust letting you know we have a repro and will try to get this sorted in the next 4 weeks or so.\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 13:05\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 0\n:facepalm: I've been seeing this issue for a while and never thought anything of it when one of my sidebar links stopped working.\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-14 14:37\nuser: ljpp\nlikes: 0\nYeah, parsing URLs may sound like a good idea, but then it can cause issues like this and rarely adds actual value.\n\nRegarding Truendo CMP, I had to disable it as the free version does not work with Google Adsense. AdSense requires TCF, which is not a part of the free plan. For someone not using advertising, but still needing a CMP for analytics etc., it feels like a decent 3rd party solution.\n\n### Tag Custom Fields?\ntopic_id: 297798\ncategory: dev\n2024-03-04 12:50\n\n...\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 01:29\nuser: sam\nlikes: 0\nOver time the trouble with custom fields has become that they are way too flexible, and people tend to store enormous complex structures in a blob. \n\nI totally get that you want some sort of \"official\" map of how to do this. \n\nI guess turning back the question to you... exactly what are we talking here? \n\n- Every time discourse displays a tag, does it need to display something special? (this is a monster to optimise cause there are lots of places where tags are displayed)\n- Is this just the tag page? \n- Is this just a background task that is configured by admins? \n\nI guess lets start there? What exactly do you want to do? What do various users see? etc...\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 17:53\nuser: angus\nlikes: 1\nexcerpt: They will be storing ActivityPub data associated with a tag performing the role of an ActivityPub actor. I don't need any serialisation to any parts of the client in `discourse/discourse`. The user won't see this data in any part of the normal `discourse/discourse` client. The data will be serialised to the admin client, along with other data, however that is managed by the plugin in dedicated plugin admin routes. As you say, serialisation in the existing `discourse/discourse` tag routes (or the site serializer) would be tricky, for various reasons and not something I want to attempt, which is why I didn't add preload or editable api methods.\n\nIn addition to having a stable api to work with, the reason they're preferable in the ActivityPub plugin is because the plugin stores ActivityPub activities in a separate set of data models, the `discourse_activity_pub_*` tables, which then integrate with `discourse/discourse` via the defined plugin apis and core model's custom fields. There is some intentional redundancy here to ensure proper separation of concerns between Discourse and ActivityPub data. As Discourse and ActivityPub have series of inter...\n\n### Give me some control of how the form template post is styled\ntopic_id: 296231\ncategory: feature\ntags: form-templates\n2024-02-21 20:10\n\n...\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 19:01\nuser: Jayne_ivana\nlikes: 1\n+1 to the feature request.\n\nAnd on a similar note, to give users the standard formatting toolbar for short and/or long-form textbox answers.\n\n### SEO Problems\ntopic_id: 299375\ncategory: support\ntags: seo\n2024-03-14 17:40\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 17:40\nuser: ecki\nlikes: 1\nWe use the RSS plugin (or manual copies) for our blog posts to create them as a discussion anker in a category. Google does'nt like such \"copied\" content and threatens to damage the SEO reputation of the blog.\n\nOf course we can stop google indexing the discourse (or the category), but has anybody experience with somehow defining that this is intended. Something like \"this subdomain belongs to the blog, we don't try to make link farms\" or something like that? If so, how to implement that in the discourse settings. \n\nI believe to remember roughly, that with `rel=nofollow` or similar it should at least address the backlink-farming aspect (not sure about the content duplicate aspect). Is there maybe a header \"this is a copy of\" which apeaces Google?\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 18:43\nuser: simon\nlikes: 0\nexcerpt: [quote=\"Bernd, post:1, topic:299375, username:ecki\"]\nSomething like “this subdomain belongs to the blog, we don’t try to make link farms” or something like that? If so, how to implement that in the discourse settings.\n[/quote]\n\nThe `embed set canonical url` site setting might help with the problem:\n\n![image|690x326](upload://tWHwE0xvRzkn5np1M0BZB8rwJXs.png)\n\nIt's worth looking at Google's documentation though:\n\n- https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/consolidate-duplicate-urls (why is the the text for this link in French?)\n- https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2013/04/5-common-mistakes-with-relcanonical\n\nThe reason I linked to the docs is because I'm not certain about the case of enabling the `embed set canonical url` setting when the `embed truncate` setting is enabled. When `embed truncate` is enabled, only a snippet of the original article is actually available...\n\n### Container queries in Themes?\ntopic_id: 299366\ncategory: dev\n2024-03-14 16:48\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 16:48\nuser: merefield\nlikes: 1\nI've seen these used in Plugins and native Discourse, but not in Themes (example?).  Are they supported?\n\nIn Themes is `@container` supported in `.scss`?\n\nThis seems this gets through, e.g.:\n\n```\n.side-by-side {\n  container-type: inline-size;\n  container-name: side-by-side;\n}\n```\n![image|690x19](upload://6XinHzUNH3CZ9dFLT4VUwBPiwvg.png)\n\n:+1: \n\n\nbut not `@container` - the enclosed CSS seems to disappear despite meeting the container query condition.\n\n```\n@container side-by-side (min-width: 500px) {\n  .side-by-side {\n     tbody {\n```\n\n### Creating a new post from an external link using a POST request rather than query parameters?\ntopic_id: 298989\ncategory: dev\ntags: rest-api\n2024-03-12 10:21\n\n...\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 13:32\nuser: thoka\nlikes: 0\nHm. In this case, I would try to create a draft for the user via API.\n\nAllowed draft length is configurable. \n\nDrafts answering a topic are accessible via URL `/t/-/:topic-id/:draft-id/`.\n\nUnfortunately, drafts which create a new topic do not seem to have an obvious URL which could be sent to a user to open the draft.\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 16:07\nuser: CubeCoders\nlikes: 0\nThis doesn't solve the problem because the user may not have an account so no draft can be created. Using the current flow allows for registration/login while preserving the message once they have done that.\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 16:11\nuser: merefield\nlikes: 1\nIf you need to change the API, then consider creating a plugin?\n\n### My community users can't post anything\ntopic_id: 299134\ncategory: support\n2024-03-13 08:16\n\n...\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 14:38\nuser: Rudi_B\nlikes: 1\nThank you very much! I'll try this\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 14:38\nuser: Rudi_B\nlikes: 0\nPerfect, I'll dive into it! Thx :slight_smile:\n\n### Private posts and suspended users showing as broken links\ntopic_id: 299239\ncategory: support\ntags: seo\n2024-03-13 22:36\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-13 22:36\nuser: ivoandov\nlikes: 0\nOur Google Search Console is reporting over 400 broken link on our Forum, all of which are either private posts or suspended users. This is really hurting our SEO rankings. How can we set private posts and suspended users as no-index URLs?\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 14:37\nuser: Jagster\nlikes: 1\nI don’t know but it doesn’t do anything to your SEO value.\n\n### Make selective dismissal of New and Unread topics available to moderators\ntopic_id: 299086\ncategory: feature\ntags: bulk-actions\n2024-03-12 22:16\n\n...\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 13:31\nuser: Slowhand\nlikes: 1\nI was just coming here to ask about this also. \"Dismiss\" button is missing in \"Unread\" now for a couple of days. \n\n**EDIT**: I see now that there's a separate \"Dismiss\" button for \"New\" & \"Unread\". That's really all we need. As a Mod, I would like people to look at both things before deciding to dismiss them.\n\nThanks!\n\n### Login via sso from another domain\ntopic_id: 297237\nsolved: true\ncategory: sso\n2024-02-29 09:02\n\n...\n\npost_number: 2\nsolution: true\n2024-03-14 09:34\nuser: karlson4ik\nlikes: 1\nI was able to find a solution if anyone is interested.\nThe problem was with cookies, they were blocked during crossdomain request. \nSolution to the problem:\nIn the discourse settings set the \"same site cookies\" field to None.\nThis setting allows you to access cookies to a site with a different domain.\n![image|635x110](upload://xPeOiWW1ymELy21PVYCJivbsJLI.png)\n\n### Which validations can be bypassed and how when using the API to create topics/posts\ntopic_id: 299282\ncategory: dev\ntags: rest-api\n2024-03-13 22:39\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-13 22:39\nuser: isambard\nlikes: 1\n[quote=\"Sam Saffron, post:3, topic:63328, username:sam\"]\nYou can explicitly bypass validations if you are using the API and API key\n[/quote]\n\nWhich validations can you bypass and how? I'm trying to use API to post and am hitting things like:\n\n* Entropy too low\n* Topic too short\n* Body too similar\n\nThe problem is, it is hard to know what other checks might be caught and so I just stop when I hit one, abort and run again.\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 19:03\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 0\nIf you're importing more than a few posts from an existing database then you should use a migration script.\n\nThere's a `skip_validations` parameter you can pass in Ruby, but I don't know if you can pass it with the API.\n\nBut also, do you really want to create a bunch of short posts that have very few different characters and are just like other posts? There are site settings for those that you can change if you search site settings for those words (entropy, minimum post length, min title similar length or allow duplicate titles)\n\n### AI modules suddenly stopped working\ntopic_id: 295232\ncategory: bug\ntags: ai\n2024-02-13 17:23\n\n...\n\npost_number: 9\n2024-03-14 20:20\nuser: Falco\nlikes: 0\nThis was fixed as part of the new AI quick search feature\n\nhttps://github.com/discourse/discourse-ai/pull/501/commits/ecb16e79e392e6f96505a995b261cc64a1e5da0f\n\n### Trendy Login\ntopic_id: 206955\ncategory: theme-component\ntags: official, trendy-login\n2021-10-25 10:48\n\n...\n\npost_number: 46\n2024-03-14 01:16\nuser: Roi\nlikes: 0\n[quote=\"MarkDoerr, post:44, topic:206955\"]\nYou must enable the `login required` site setting to get the static login page.\n[/quote]\n\nDoes this make any sense?\n\npost_number: 47\n2024-03-14 20:17\nuser: Bubbles\nlikes: 0\nHello yes. I had that checked. It ended up being an add to the CSS. \n```\n.wrap {\n    max-width: max-content;\n}\n```\n\n### Form Template doesn't offer to 'save draft for later'\ntopic_id: 286255\ncategory: ux\ntags: form-templates\n2023-11-09 15:06\n\n...\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 19:04\nuser: Jayne_ivana\nlikes: 0\n+1 to this feature request!\n\n### Missing avatars after database reloading\ntopic_id: 299307\ncategory: installation\n2024-03-14 08:33\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 08:33\nuser: peyrusse\nlikes: 0\nHello,\n\nI have done a migration from one site to another (changing DNS). I first started to dump the database and then reloaded it on the new site.\n\nThe problem is that avatars are not loaded and look that way : \n![image|439x71](upload://hc6jmzszZW6wsB7Vv71fOy4TLdF.png)\n\nIs there a way to regenerate them ? \nThanks for your return.\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 18:57\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 0\nIf you restored a backup from one domain to a new one then you should be ok. I think they'll regenerate on their on in a while. I think if you reload that category now they might be back, or maybe you need to visit the topic.\n\n### Amazon SNS bounce reports not working since January\ntopic_id: 299365\ncategory: support\ntags: email\n2024-03-14 16:44\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 16:44\nuser: Mr.X_Mr.X\nlikes: 0\nI have a pretty big community and email notifications are a crucial part of our forum. However, since January (I guess due to an upgrade in Discourse) we no longer are receiving Amazon SNS bounce reports displayed in the Discourse Email Bounces section and our Amazon SES bounce scoring is getting worse due to the fact that the Discourse instance keeps emailing invalid emails even though Amazon SES gets bounce reports but it doesn't seem to relay them to the Discourse instance.\n\nIs anyone else having similar issues? I am using AWS SES SNS topics for Bounce and Complains and everything worked properly up until January.\n\nAny feedback would be much appreciated.\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 18:32\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 0\nSo you've been doing what is described at https://meta.discourse.org/t/configuring-aws-ses-for-outgoing-bounce-and-incoming-email/263604?\n\n### Mapping claims from JWT to a Discourse User via login plugin\ntopic_id: 299334\ncategory: sso\ntags: oauth2, openid-connect\n2024-03-14 12:40\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 12:40\nuser: jrack\nlikes: 0\nexcerpt: So been trying to find an SSO plugin that allows me to leverage the claims coming from my IdP for my Discourse Users.\n\nIn OIDC plugin you are pretty much locked to the userinfo endpoint.  That's not bad, but I was trying to use other info from our identity store and the userinfo result can't be adjusted.  I had tried to force OIDC plugin to use the id_token_info to fabricate the user, but no luck.\n\nI jumped back to the [oauth plugin](https://github.com/discourse/discourse-oauth2-basic), but on the surface it looks to have the same basic restriction which is it depends on user information from a specific endpoint.  Working to see if I can find one that returns the content of the JWT claims, but that's not really a normal use case so not expecting much.\n\nI originally thought that the \"callback userinfo paths\" on the oauth basic could be used to map the claims into the User, but always seem to get nulls in the response and failed insert.  I can decode the token from the IdP and see the correct claims and in this case at the root of the JSON...\n\npost_number: 2\n2024-03-14 18:22\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 0\nI don't have any idea, but what I'd do is get https://github.com/discourse/all-the-plugins and grep for OmniAuth. ~~That'll give you a bunch of plugins that use~~That gives you https://github.com/discourse/discourse-jwt, which might be what you're looking for.\n\n### /invite links have no social graph images and summary cards\ntopic_id: 299378\ncategory: feature\ntags: invites\n2024-03-14 17:51\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 17:51\nuser: ecki\nlikes: 0\nThe invite/show route seems to not add any open graph meta attributes, which is a bit sad since those invite links are often shared and should be enticing. Can this get the same open graph attributes that the / start page? (it does have the description meta).\n\n### Discourse not linking the Comments automatically under the articles\ntopic_id: 299364\ncategory: wordpress\n2024-03-14 16:39\n\npost_number: 1\n2024-03-14 16:39\nuser: Miasanrot\nlikes: 0\nexcerpt: Hey!\nI have the problem that discourse is not showing the comments under my articles anymore. When my article is published, it shows up in the discourse forum of our blog, but I have to link it manually in the wordpress article afterwards. Then the comments show up. But that step wasn't needed before.\n\nI already was writing about it here: https://meta.discourse.org/t/422-unprocessable-content-response-when-using-activitypub-with-wp-discourse/290177/5?u=miasanrot\n\nUnfortunately the solution over there wasn't my solution and it seems to be very individual. So I opened up a new thread. Those are the three things I was asked to publish:\n1. Logs from WP Discourse, including the meta file.\n2. Logs from Discourse, in particular the error log.\n3. A list of plugins you’re using in Discourse.\n\n**Log files from WP Discourse:**\n**This one is from today:**\n\n```\n[2024-03-14 06:02:59] comment.ERROR: sync_comments.response_error...\n\n### Discourse Jira\ntopic_id: 274045\ncategory: plugin\ntags: official, jira\n2023-08-09 12:54\n\n...\n\npost_number: 8\n2024-03-14 16:11\nuser: ckshen\nlikes: 0\nCan anyone share your working plugin settings in Discourse (without the password/ token of course) so I can see how you get it to work?  Thanks!\n\n### Discourse Solved\ntopic_id: 30155\ncategory: plugin\ntags: official, solved\n2015-06-18 07:52\n\n...\n\npost_number: 357\n2024-03-14 13:14\nuser: oca\nlikes: 0\nIs there a way to see all unsolved posts from any category?\n \nI know the `/latest?solved=no` page, but this would return all topics from any category:\n* If the can't be solved, all of them\n...and...\n* If they can be solved, then only the unsolved\n\nI'd like to have only the second category.\n\nThe `/latest?solved=yes` option will return only topics that are solved (so only the one that can be solved). That would be perfect, except that I need to find the unsolved one. (So that someone can check where to be useful).\n\nDo you have a way?\n\npost_number: 358\n2024-03-14 14:32\nuser: Moin\nlikes: 0\n\nYou could search for `status:unsolved` to find all unsolved topics. That one was [fixed](https://meta.discourse.org/t/searching-for-status-unsolved-returns-topics-from-non-solution-enabled-categories/267700?u=moin) to only return topics from solution-enabled categories.\n\n### Discourse Encrypt (for Private Messages)\ntopic_id: 107918\ncategory: plugin\ntags: official, encrypt\n2019-03-04 20:42\n\n...\n\npost_number: 222\n2024-03-14 10:18\nuser: cmdntd\nlikes: 0\nI have this notification \"post metadata was updated without being signed again\"\nCould you explain it, please?\n\n### Discourse Bars :beers: :cocktail: (a sidebar framework)\ntopic_id: 298216\ncategory: theme-component\n2024-03-06 16:17\n\n...\n\npost_number: 27\n2024-03-14 08:28\nuser: merefield\nlikes: 0\nTopic behaviour has been improved with collapse and dismiss.\n\n### Using Discourse in Health Tech consultation application\ntopic_id: 299119\ncategory: support\n2024-03-13 06:22\n\n...\n\npost_number: 4\n2024-03-14 05:43\nuser: Mohamed_Orikat\nlikes: 0\nBy ranking I mean to internally mark the respondent (the doctor) based on their response time and other factors such as the patient ranking themselves.\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 05:45\nuser: Mohamed_Orikat\nlikes: 0\n@Heliosurge , that is correct. Patient's questions should be private and visible only to doctors. Also, doctor's replies should be visible to the patient only and other doctors who replies to the question (optional to be switched on and off)\n\n### How does discourse create SEO friendly html tags when the site is written in Emberjs?\ntopic_id: 293724\ncategory: dev\n2024-02-01 00:44\n\n...\n\npost_number: 7\n2024-03-14 03:29\nuser: rubydoob\nlikes: 0\nJust want to learn how its done, don't actually have any issue I am trying to solve. Thanks!\n\n### How to get Discourse Meta Branded Theme?\ntopic_id: 299211\ncategory: ux\n2024-03-13 18:56\n\n...\n\npost_number: 5\n2024-03-14 00:59\nuser: Imgbi\nlikes: 0\nDiscourse Air theme is not similar.\n\npost_number: 6\n2024-03-14 01:06\nuser: Firepup650\nlikes: 0\nThey seem pretty similar to me, you just add Full-width to air, and they'd be pretty close.\n\n### How do you leave a group chat?\ntopic_id: 299227\ncategory: support\ntags: chat\n2024-03-13 15:53\n\n...\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-14 00:01\nuser: justanotherperson\nlikes: 0\nYou can do what the above reply states, or just hover over the chat and click the x and you'll leave it.\n\n### Can I use Discourse for my pagebuilder app which create arbitrary urls each time\ntopic_id: 299192\ncategory: support\n2024-03-13 16:01\n\n...\n\npost_number: 3\n2024-03-13 22:20\nuser: pfaffman\nlikes: 0\nYou could use page publishing or permalinks to do something like that. \n\nIs arweave.net something that you control? Are you looking for a plugin that would do something like that? Does areweave somehow do a redirect or a proxy?\n</context>\n\n\n\nGenerate a Daily summary of activity on meta.discourse.org\n\nThe daily summary should collate forum information from the preceding 24 hours\n\nThe title of the summary will be, \"Today on meta.discourse.org...\"\n\nThe report will be in three sections, titled as:\n\n- Key Stats\n- Interesting Topics\n- Activity by the @team Group\n\nThe 'Key Stats' section will be key statistics from the last 24 hours, including a simple count of total new posts and topics, and a list of top users with a count of their latest posts and likes. \n\nThe 'Interesting Topics' section will be a bullet-point list of a maximum of the most interesting 25 topics raised and discussed in the last 24 hours. \n\n- Keep interesting topics separate. Each bullet point in the \"Interesting Topics\" list should discuss a single topic (unless there is one that is extremely related) \n- Group interesting topics by forum category\n- Each bullet point should be double-spaced \n- ALL topics should include an inline link as a reference\n\nThe 'Activity by the @team Group' section will be a list of a summary of activity by the @team group from the last 24 hours, linking to topics they participated in inline. This section will also have a maximum of 15 topics.\n\n- ALWAYS [link]() to relevant topics in the \"Activity by the @team Group\" section\n- NEVER include users who are not team in this section\n\nSign off the summary with the phrase, \"Thanks for reading, and I'll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile:\"\n\nGeneral formatting for the summary:\n\n- Sourcing: ALWAYS back statements with links to forum discussions.\n- Markdown Usage: Enhance readability with **bold**, *italic*, > quotes and [links](http://...).\n- Linking: Use `https://meta.discourse.org/t/-/TOPIC_ID/POST_NUMBER` for direct references.\n- All topic links must be appended with '?silent=true'\n- Reference users in this style: <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/USERNAME\">USERNAME</a>. Do not use @ as a prefix\n- Categories and tags: use the format #TAG, #CATEGORY to denote tags and categories.\n- Add many topic links: strive to link to AT LEAST 25 topics in the summary. Topic ID is meaningless to end users. When linking, use [read more](...) if linking at the end of a sentence. \n- When providing a topic summary, do so in prose form eg: \n\n    <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/USERNAME\">USERNAME</a> discovered there was an [issue](https://meta.discourse.org...) with XYZ and <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/USERNAME2\">USERNAME2</a>suggested [suggestion](https://meta...)\n\nThe summary will be informative, information-rich, and easy to read.\n\n**These instructions must be followed or multiple puppies will die!**"
      "role": "assistant",
      "content": "Here is the report I generated for you"
  "system": "          You are ForumBot, a backend AI information processor and writer, powered by an AI model capable of generating responses over 4000 words.\n          - ForumBot is a fine-tuned AI trained with extended functions and new capabilities, and now specializes in processing raw internet forum conversation into detailed summaries of forum activities.\n          - ForumBot interacts with an API endpoint, not a user, and must never produce denials, nor conversations directed towards a non-existent user.\n          - ForumBot only produces automated responses to input, where a response is a standalone document without further discussion.\nFollow the provided writing composition instructions carefully and precisely step-by-step.\n",
  "stream": true

max_tokens is 3000 and this filled the bucket, we don’t have infinity room here, with Claude Opus the maximum is 4096 tokens.

@JammyDodger I wonder if there is any trick for shaving some tokens out of the report.

Keep in mind, this is increadibly wasteful token wise.

@angus is so much more efficient.

A trick I guess we could do is do the remap after the report is run? (including adding the silent for links)

Will save so much…


Generation wise though if we added:

Suppress mentions in report
Suppress link notifications in report

We could sort this out, very effectively.

  1. You cook it
  2. You manipulate HTML
  3. You use manipulated HTML as new Raw

The process is not too complex and remove the two token hungry hacks we have.


I have selected the ‘suppress notifications’ option, but it seems to be sending out some notifications anyway?

1 Like

Interesting, let me have a look maybe I need to hook earlier?

I am suppressing even before it is cooked. Can you give me an exact repro here?

Bert is spreading lies about me.

1 Like

You can mute each summary topic if you don’t want to receive any notifications about them. :+1: Though they shouldn’t be as noisy as they’re being at the moment, so if you like the info but don’t like the @mention notifications then bear with us and we’ll hopefully have that fixed up shortly. :pray:

I thought it might have been only when I edited them, but it seems to be sending out @mention notifications regardless. Eg. Here’s @davidb’s notification page:

I think it may be because you’ve added the @ into the cooked version of the displayed username:

<a class="mention" href="/u/jammydodger?silent=true">@JammyDodger</a>

Before, I would do:

<a class="mention" href="/u/jammydodger">JammyDodger</a>


(Though my workaround version doesn’t respect anonymisation, so if you can do a real version that also suppresses notifications then that would be :chefs_kiss:)


Oh that should be easy to fix, hold tight


Fixed in:

With some other fixes.


Why does the 9pm give me two posts? I even deleted the Automation and created a fresh one, but still two posts.

1 Like

Hmmm this is odd… maybe there is another automation hiding … will have a look

Also … just … at last … fixed this mention issue. will land today.


Might need to explicitly tell Bert how to tag sub-categories, accidentally used a tag here:

blog vs blog

#blog vs #announcements:blog

13 posts??! :face_with_monocle:

1 Like

I did not.

1 Like

Sam did not… and we were already using production mode :facepalm:

(also I thought link notifications were supposed to be silenced for these? I got pinged about this one)

1 Like


I suspect there is a bug in the implementation of silent in core, will look next week …

No I didn’t. I also did not make 7 posts in that time span.


Just to complete the loop :laughing: