"Daily updates" option for mailing list mode

FYI, we are just about to pull this feature. (Enable mailing list mode - Send daily updates)

It is a huge performance hog on large sites leading to daily summary emails containing 100s of images and 100s of posts on active sites.

This manifests itself in a very large increase in Sidekiq memory usage and overall job queue performance impact.

I feel the “Activity Summary” emails @neil created fill a lot of this gap anyway, and we simply can not ship a feature this dangerous.

If we start truncating the email it still is quite expensive and would just lead to confusion anyway.

If being more like mailman, is what we absolutely want here, then for one these daily summaries should be text only (based on markdown) and probably have some sort of sane batch size.

The current feature solves a problem very few have and the way it solves the problem is inconsistent with what “mailman would do”.
