Dalle-3 not outputting images in personal messages

This was working yesterday but just suddenly stopped working today. So far tested on Safari and Chrome on MacOS and iOS. The image file extensions are allowed and the bot itself hasn’t been changed. Any ideas? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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hmmm, I’ve tested on a couple instances and DALLE seems to be working as expected. Have you checked your OpenAI account balance? Also maybe have a look at the logs. :thinking:

Sorry turns out I’m just an idiot :sweat_smile: I funded my other models half asleep and thought it was OpenAI :grimacing:

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:warning: FYI for other users: you can get a negative balance on your OpenAI account if you have auto-renew/refill turned off. Dalle-3 was processing my request just without generating an image. This was the first time in 2 years that my account hit zero so it didn’t even cross my mind.

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