GPT-persona, Stability and Dall-E

I’m now quite lost.

I have/had API-key of AI Stability in use, and otherwise I’m using OpenAI.

When models started use Vision I found that I can ask images using what ever persona, even prompting in Finnish (generally using something else than English for system and image prompts is bad idea).

I upgraded yesterday and few moments ago I started play with one of my ”general” GPT-persona and images. Results were… low quality is pollite expression.

I didn’t totally understand what heck happened, but when I prompted an image in Finnish I got error. Un-supported language by Stability.

That explained a lot like why I suddenly started get four images instead one.

I deleted Stability API and tried again. Now my personas can’t create images any more, except Dall-E persona of course.

So my question is

  • is something changed
  • is it been that way all the time
  • have I missed some setting, again

This isn’t my day.

Tools that a persona can use misses one small thing: dall-e.

Still something has changed. Earlier I could tell direction, resolution and even use Finnish. Because Stability doesn’t allow (or follow) those a persona has used Dall-E — without that tool.

What ever, now it works.

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