Dansk Dynamit website running on Discourse

Hey guys just wanted to drop some praise here and a shoutout to the Discourse community.

Today we launched the beta version of Dansk Dynamit - a hacker news kind of site for danish designers and developers. It is running on Discourse and we love it! We did our best to, in my opinion, push the envelope of what is possible in terms of styling a Discourse forum!


Design & front-end
@casperovergaard, @Oskar and me

Link plugin development
Github repo can be found here

Shout out to
@codinghorror for being awesome
@erlend_sh for a lot of support and helping us connect with the community (and being a fellow scandinavian)

What’s next?


You guys have some pretty neat UI customizations. Is the code released here or somewhere else - I would be interested in having a look and perhaps utilizing some of it at Nettitelkku.com.

Hi, thank you very much!

To ease maintainability of our theme we chose not to overwrite a single Discourse template. We did however write a ton of CSS as a result. Besides the custom header we’ve developed two Discourse plugins:

The hot-topics plugin adds the like button to each topic on the homepage. It also adds a /hot route that sorts topics favoring total views and likes (including comments) while factoring in when the topic was posted. Much like Hacker news. See Discourse Hot Topics

The links-category plugin allows you to have a “Links” category in Discourse that changes the main textarea to an input where you can enter a URL. Again, much liker Hacker News.

Both are working great for us and while they’re still in development we hope the community will find them useful!


Can the “Links” category name be localized/translated to another language?

Category name is completely up to you. You can enable the feature on any category you like. The option can be found in category’s setting panel.

And you can find other translation here. https://github.com/danskdynamit/discourse-links-category/tree/master/config/locales

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Please: did that go ahead, as planned? (I spent a few minutes browsing, but found no tags … maybe because I’m not logged in and (sorry) I don’t speak the language.)

If tagging was implemented:

  • was the eventual usage (some time after implementation) comparable to the usage that was predicted before implementation?


Hi Graham, we haven’t yet enabled tags. So far categories have been sufficient :slight_smile:

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