Dark mode with Discourse mobile app

I have Brave on my mobile phone. It helps me read online sites by forcing dark mode if my phone is in Dark mode - including mobile discource sites.

Is it possible to force a dark mode on sites opened by the discourse mobile app - or open the site with the url of the site?


Discovered there is a link icon in bottom of the screen for any site that is opened from the Discourse Mobile app.

From there you can open the site in the mobile browser you wish.

Edit 2025-02-15

I asked one discourse site I am on if they could allow dark mode. Got a reply that it was already possible.

  1. Click on profile image
  2. Click on Profile - the icon for a person at the bottom of the list
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. Click on Interfaces
  5. Change Theme
  6. Save Changes

So I now can mostly stay in the Discourse Hub mobile app.
It works pretty well on macOS as well!

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