DarkPixlz's Modern Theme

Hi all,

Happy (almost) 2 years!

Currently, the theme is on version 1 (ignoring github’s “releases” which doesn’t really do much for the theme). It’s a bit of an inconsistent wreck and has a lot of issues. When I wrote the theme, I knew a little about CSS and no JS (and my UI/UX outside of dfiscourse looked something like this). Thankfully, this has changed a lot, so I plan on using that knowledge more in the rewrite. (it doesn’t need to be 2000 lines in it’s current state! fun fact: the theme used to just be my fork of the Air theme, i split it into its own thing after I got rid of the circle and added the blur)

I plan on releasing a Version 2 not too far in the future, with new code, a refreshed, modern look, and better compatibility with new features. Hoping to have more news here soon, hopefully by the summer! For updates you can check the dev-v2 branch of the theme which will start getting pushed to soon.

Sorry for leaving you all in the dark for a bit :pensive:. Hopefully this new era will improve the theme for the better! I’ll start posting updates here pretty soon with design decisions (maybe a poll or two) and more. Thanks for your continued support as usual!