DarkPixlz's Modern Theme

Hello everybody,

Lately, I’ve been busy and I’ve been trying to clear my plate a bit more in terms of projects, and this is one which I will be choosing to drop.

This doesn’t mean the theme will outright break, I’ll continue fixing it. Here’s a bit of a breakdown on how this will work:

Event Will be fixed
Theme issue is found, not caused by Discourse (ex: unstyled page) :x:
Minor Discourse change (ex: classes of smaller items changing) :white_check_mark:
Major Discourse change (ex: new menu in an obscure place) :x:
Feature updates (ex: new settings) :x:

I’ll still be watching the repo and accepting pulls from anybody who requests them, but I myself will no longer be adding new features, unless it is a major change to Discourse, in which case I will.

TLDR; I will not be adding more features unless it is a major Discourse change, fixes will also stop unless it is breaking

If the theme breaks and I can’t fix it, the end-of-life or broken tags will be added, but for now it works fine.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply. Thank you.