DarkPixlz's Modern Theme

I love it :slight_smile:

There is a bit of an issue on my end since the menu is hidden (no sidebar); the transparency freaks out a bit, and the header bar doesn’t extend fully to the right.
Do any of you see this in testing?


The header is expected as it’s centered, although no, seems like I didn’t test the new context menu without the sidebar, I’ll fix it tomorrow.


Sounds good!
It’s not the end of the world or anything, as the sidebar does look great with this theme- I’ll just roll default for now.

Thanks for the high velocity updates :grin:



Just noticed the “Staff” tag came back even though it’s disabled.
There’s also a dot after the shield.


Yep, I’ve got an issue report here


Hey, not seeing it on my test site. What other options do you have enabled, can you send me your settings?

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Fixed this in latest:


I’m having the issue as well. Which settings do you need to see? (Only in Chrome/Edge which I don’t use, but I tested on both when a user reported it.)


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Mainly the last 3 or 4 and we’ll go from there.

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(The menu being halfway down the page is an artifact of the screenshot tool)


My only possible ideas is a lack of webkit support? I’ll have a look.


Sorry for the late reply-
Here are my extra components and color theme

Here are the last few settings, as I saw you asked for them from Den


Hey everybody! A bit of a smaller update here, but I gave the user profiles a bit of an improvement:

This is a bit of a beta feature - if you have any thoughts please let me know!


If the background is bright, give the icons and text a darker color. This is so that the text is slightly easier to read in bright backgrounds overall.


Good idea, will add this later.


It’s good-looking, hope to develop a bright theme


Hey everybody,

Theme updates may be slowing down a bit for a few weeks. If you have any thoughts, please let me know and I’ll get to them soon.

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Update: I got another site up, so theme updates will continue again.


Hello everybody,

I’ve made several changes to the theme.

1. User card fixes

In some places, previously user cards may be offset. This has been fixed.

2. 2 new settings

1. Mobile full width

This one is bit more of an experiment, but you are now able to use full width on mobile. It’s still very much a beta, feedback is appreciated.

2. Disable floating header

Dont want the header to float anymore? There’s now an option to disable it.

3. Several other minor changes

I’ve made a lot of minor changes to the way that rounding works, and other color changes.

If you have any other questions or feedback, please let me know!

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Hello everybody,

Lately, I’ve been busy and I’ve been trying to clear my plate a bit more in terms of projects, and this is one which I will be choosing to drop.

This doesn’t mean the theme will outright break, I’ll continue fixing it. Here’s a bit of a breakdown on how this will work:

Event Will be fixed
Theme issue is found, not caused by Discourse (ex: unstyled page) :x:
Minor Discourse change (ex: classes of smaller items changing) :white_check_mark:
Major Discourse change (ex: new menu in an obscure place) :x:
Feature updates (ex: new settings) :x:

I’ll still be watching the repo and accepting pulls from anybody who requests them, but I myself will no longer be adding new features, unless it is a major change to Discourse, in which case I will.

TLDR; I will not be adding more features unless it is a major Discourse change, fixes will also stop unless it is breaking

If the theme breaks and I can’t fix it, the end-of-life or broken tags will be added, but for now it works fine.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply. Thank you.