DarkPixlz's Modern Theme

Hi everyone,

As promised, I’d continue to support small Discourse changes, so I’ve shipped a small update which fixes the following:

  1. User cards are no longer animated snapping to your position, along with other divs
  2. Fixed oneboxes

  1. I’ve tried hiding the border in the user menu because I thought it looked bad, I might revert the next patch


  1. Badges have been fixed

  1. Fixed sidebar dropdown


  1. Modal also fixed (there is blur, its best seen scrolling)

  1. I removed the post outline because it looks a lot worse than I thought it did before. If you want to see it come back or get a setting, let me know and I may be able to make it happen

Thanks again for the continued support - this wasn’t meant to be a huge content update, just minor fixes happening as Discourse changes more and more


Hi everyone,

It’s come to my attention that modals have broken completely.

If anybody would like to fix it then you may, otherwise I’ll get to it in a couple of days. Not sure when or what changed, but it’s breaking the theme currently.

User cards also appear to have broken.

Fixed myself, everything should be fine now.


Forgot to say, but last night I pushed the first feature update in a bit out of boredom. Nothing entirely major, this is what I changed:

  • Updated Admins page

Admins page has been redone all around.

  • Settings

Full width is now enabled by default. I won’t remove the option, but now it’s opt-out.

  • Modals

As in the change yesterday, they were fixed, with a new look. I got rid of the useless “Cancel” text and made the entire background not blur.

I really like the borderless design and may begin rolling it out to more places.

  • Chat

This is now the 4th time I’ve changed everything, but I think they’re done changing it for now hopefully.

  • Badges

I’ve redone the styling for badges all around as well.

That’s it for now. Don’t expect these updates very often, just did this to patch up some round edges for fun. It wouldn’t be very easy to redo an entire 2500 line long script.

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Brilliant theme, thank you so much for making this.
I know you’re not spending time on it but I thought I should let you know about 2 issues I’m facing ;
1- The User Menu’s background is not showing as blurred for some reason, it’s fully transparent

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2- when a new user joins and wants to write a post or a comment, his/her words are showing on top of the automatic 2 times new post Help Tool

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This issue is Chrome’s bad rendering. I’m not sure what’s causing it, but I can’t fix it. In general I recommend using Firefox instead, as that’s what I’m using and what will likely stay supported the best.

This might be another Chrome issue, but it could just be a personal mistake, I’ll have a look when I get time.

Actually, it could totally be this. Preparing for Discourse's upgrade to Ember 5

Are you on Ember 5? I only got around to updating it a couple of weeks ago and they’re already completely redoing the framework :frowning_face:. Eventually i’ll have to make it compatible. I’ll be upset if it broke the modal again.

Yeah this could it, I hope it won’t break many things :grimacing:

If you notice anything else on your site breaking let me know so I can fix it (or at least try). I’ll release a full patch when it’s out to core.


Hey I made a customer colour pallette but it isn’t changing the colours when i save this as the chosen pallete in the theme settings

Hi, are you able to share your full theme config?

You have a better way of talking? I don’t want everything in public really the project isn’t released yet

You can PM me them if you’d like. Not site settings, just the theme.

I managed to fix previous issue, now however when I add a profile header, this happens;

That is expected behavior. Eventually I might add an option if there is demand.

Is there a way with custom CSS I can disable this background if the user has an image uploaded? It’s quite design breaking

or to just reduce the width of the blur so it only covers the username and profile picture?

There will be an update when I get back to add a setting

Awesome! Could you also consider this as an option?

The views and comments/stats of the topic show like this currently:

However I’d prefer them to show like this in a table:

Will look into that as well. I’m not sure when I would have added that, but I probably did it to save space. I try not to modify the HTML too much so not sure why I did that