Hi again,
[70] pry(main)> DB.query("DELETE FROM post_custom_fields WHERE post_id=20 AND name='calendar-details'")
=> []
After deleting the offending row, we activated discourse-calendar
again. Followed up by another rebuild, we can report the missing migrations have been applied successfully
20200226183018 CreateCalendarEvents: migrated (0.8584s)
20200409102640 CreatePostEventsTable: migrated (0.0381s)
20200409102643 RenameTablesToDiscoursePostEvent: migrated (0.1840s)
20201110225115 CreatePostEventDatesTable: migrated (0.0655s)
20201111005205 MoveDataToEventDates: migrated (0.0039s)
and everything is fine again.
Thank you very much for the excellent work you are doing here.
With kind regards,