I would also like to request that we can turn off notifications for links, the same as we can for likes - as would at least one other member of the WaniKani community.
We have a number of people that post them all the time - because they’re helpful - to new forum users, and it takes over our notifications. ((EDIT: Exactly like the screenshot in this post.))
I find that actual replies get lost amidst the sea of link notifications… Or when activity is lower, I get excited that someone has said something to me - but then it’s just my link in an introduction post again.
Thank you for considering this feature - the sooner it can be implemented, the better.
EDIT 2: Here is a screenshot of mine. They’re a month old, because surprisingly, they’ve stopped recently… Maybe the frequent poster is on vacation… But previously, this is behaviour that happens all the time.
The mention at the bottom is the thread that gets linked, and has been linked at least 1000 times since I made it. (If it were linked on average 9 times a day x 365 days a year… that would be 3,285 times.)