Default email digest reset?

I’m sure I configured the default email digest to never before but alas I’ve stumbled over the settings page and it’s set to weekly. Trying to set it to never gives me a red ‘value’ error message:

Any clues?

The digest emails are by far my biggest gripe as a user of discourse forums. I wish this was opt-in on all sites by default.


This is a confirmed bug, @zogstrip will have a look

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Surprisingly, nobody has ever complained about the weekly email digest defaults. Literally nobody!

Note that we only send digests for a maximum of 1 year past your last visit date and the digest default is weekly. We could probably move that down to every two weeks as a default. We also filter digests to just trust level 1 or higher posts, and digests obviously are not sent if there are no new posts…

But the status quo seems to meet people’s expectations or at least be a reasonable balance between reminding people that your site exists, by mailing them some interesting content, versus nagging them constantly with spammy emails.

I am always interested in hearing specific suggestions to make the digests better.

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Thanks for reporting that issue. I just pushed a fix :dog2: