Delete Bookmark? Rewording Bookmark Actions

I went to go remove a bookmark and the options gave me pause.


In this case, both “Edit” and “Delete” and the corresponding symbols are already used in this area but are currently hidden behind the ...

So for a moment, I was confused about what exactly I was editing or deleting, the post or the bookmark? Being a Discourse expert it was just a momentary lapse :sunglasses: but I do wonder if a less capable user would be more confused?

And on the topic, I find the “Delete” in red to be a bit intense. Removing a bookmark is a very common action that is usually a positive thing (like checking off an item on a checklist), only affects a single user and doesn’t really have the permanence that a “delete” would suggest.

And after the action is triggered we see this:


Which is now… green?? Is this a scary action or a good one?

I propose to change the text to “Edit bookmark” and “Unbookmark” or “Remove bookmark”

In which case, the reference to “Delete” here should probably also be changed.

Thoughts? I will say I do like the updated bookmark UI in general though :slight_smile:


On the mobile layout, it indicates the bookmark as the menu section, so at least the mobile users have a clue about bookmarks. An idea could be to edit the UX for desktop Discourse to have this same title as on the mobile version.

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I agree, “remove” is a little less scary and helps make a clear separation from “delete” for posts — this is the wording browsers tend to use with bookmarks.


I noticed the following too

Double notification when something is bookmarked (triple if you count the bookmark icon color change). Seems like overkill.

This blue layout header thing does not seem standard across Discourse and looks like something that can be pressed (ie. Bookmark as a verb not a noun). I think removing it and just changing the wording of the two actions would improve the ux

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