Disable 2FA via console

:bookmark: This guide provides instructions for administrators on how to disable two-factor authentication (2FA) via the console.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: System Admin

:wrench: Console access required

:warning: This guide should only be used when 2FA cannot be disabled from the user admin page.

Discourse supports two types of 2-factor options, TOTP (6-digit codes rotating every 30 seconds), and security key (Yubikey, biometric, etc.). Sometimes users will misconfigure their 2-factor device, lose or reset their phone, or otherwise no longer be able to use/obtain the 2-factor. Admins can then assist in reseting this for them.

:warning: Admins should be certain to verify that the user is the one making the request. Disabling 2-factor makes an account easier to hack, so be sure a bad party isnโ€™t requesting the reset.

Disabling 2FA for a user

It is important to note that the two 2-factor types are stored in different DB tables, so even if one is empty you may need to check the other.

  1. First, youโ€™ll need to know what user is having the issue. Obtain one of the following values from the user:

  2. Access the rails console via ssh.

    From your local machine:

    ssh root@=SERVER_IP=

    From the server console:

    cd /var/www/discourse
    sudo ./launcher enter app
    rails c
  3. Store the user_id as a variable in the console.

    • If you have the username:
      id = User.find_by_username('=USERNAME=').id
    • If you have the email:
      id = User.find_by_email('=EMAIL=').id
    • If you have the id:
      id = =USER_ID=
  4. Check for TOTP, and delete if needed.

    UserSecondFactor.where(user_id: id)
    UserSecondFactor.where(user_id: id).each(&:destroy!)
  5. Check for Security Keys, and delete if needed.

    UserSecurityKey.where(user_id: id)
    UserSecurityKey.where(user_id: id).each(&:destroy!)

Last edited by @SaraDev 2024-09-17T23:51:14Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

Though I failed to read them, the above works. . . .

A slightly easier way is


And then


I found this out only because I failed to read that you had included the security keys and then went and found it in the users_controller. I managed to read only step 4 above and not step 5. . . until I came back here to โ€œcorrectโ€ your instructions. :man_shrugging: