Disable unlimited loading of the topic list

I don’t want an infinite list of topics to pull down, after a certain number of topics it should show See more so that users can click on it to see more topics

Have I understood your question correctly?

You want to disable infinite scroll?

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Yes, because infinite scrolling will make the footer invisible to the user unless they go through another page or load all the subject lines

Perhaps you have heard of Facebook, Twitter and linkedIn. They are very popular sites that also use infinite scrolling. They seem to be doing well without footers.

This topic comes up a few times a year but in the past decade no one has chosen to spend money to disable infinite scrolling.

I’m totally happy with infinite scrolling and eveverything that normally are in footer can be shown otherwise.

But I just wonder if there is somekind middleground, because it is so much wanted. I mean we have sticky/semi-sticky headers, is similar thing with footer difficult?

I would dis-like such one, though.

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That’s not correct.

You can have a floating footer above using the “above-footer” connector whilst the infinite scroll happens underneath.

Here’s an example (view on desktop):


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