Disable zoom on mobile PWA

I come with a suggestion. I think a checkbox in the settings that prevents zooming in and out on the mobile PWA (= Shortcut on home screen or app bundled with pwabuilder.com in my definition) of a discourse page would be very useful. I have demonstrated it in the video

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />

If you put these lines in the header in the theme you can’t zoom in and out in the mobile PWA (in Safari I can still do it and it’s okay that way). I just think that a mobile PWA should behave like an app. And maybe Discourse should bring this feature right along in the form of an optional setting.


We tried this in the past and people got quite upset about it.


@sam Make it an option :+1: