Discobot for training

Great, thank you for all the help! I think I’ve got a good start now.

Now, is there a way to have the bot respond like discobot, where you reply to a specific post and can just continue a conversation?

For example

Bot: Here is your training point 1 point 2 point 3 reply next to get part 4 5 6
Human: Okay, next
Bot: here is part 4, 5 6

and so on…

Go search for your own Hubot plugins on npm + github, there are a ton of them.

For your specific request:



I have no experience with wit.ai, but it sounds cool – If it fulfills your requirements, go for it!

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It is just programming something to do something. A plug-in would be code that you right to modify or add on to already existing software.

Nope. I have never developed ne before

Nevermind, I got everything working, I’m actually using dialogflow now and it works amazing!

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